Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Picture it...
Faith is SO excited about being in the school Christmas play. She was singing the *big* finale song to us tonight. Goes something like this:

We will walk a mile
To see one of your smiles
We'll walk in rain or snow or sleep.


Grace was telling her daddy about her lunch today (which tends to be a topic they talk about a lot).

Grace: I had chicken tenders, with mashed potatoes and in the other square I had blueberry cobbler with raspberries.
Rob: Did it have blueberries in it?
Grace: No. It was blueberry cobbler with raspberries.
Rob: wouldn't that be raspberry cobbler?'
G: I don't think so.


EngineerHousehold6 said...

:-D Cute!

Good luck to Faith in her play.

I wish that I could get Gabriel to talk about what he ate let alone did at school. I ask him and his response is "I don't remember". The only thing I can get him to talk about is playing Army at recess with some of the other boys in his class. LOL

Analee said...

grace is the funniest kid you have. guess it is because she is 1st.

faith is the cutest girl you have. probably cause she's the 2nd.

josh was the cutest and funniest boy, but i'm sure that'll be challenged here soon enough...

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

i had to read faith's twice before i got it. grace is a funny girl. I can just hear her, "I don't think so." I remember when yall use to tell people silly things i said. I HATED that. so embarrassing.