Thursday, November 6, 2008

Guiness Book of Records

G is participating this morning in a bid at a record. Over 2000 people are expected to be at the airfield onpost. They will be forming a gigantic yellow ribbon formation. ACS (Army Community Service) is providing yellow shirts to all of the interior of the ribbon and active duty Soldiers (in uniform) are forming the outline. Should be pretty neat and G will be a part of a record. Pretty cool, huh? The picture above is the current record making ribbon, with 1358 people. The ribbon here should break the record easily! I don't know if the record will technically go down, though. I heard a rumor that the schoolkids aren't going to count because there is a crazy 8-page parental consent that has to be done on every kid. It was going to be too logistically difficult to do - so I hopefully there will be over 1358 adults there!
I have to admit that it made me quite paranoid to let her go. I don't like the idea of her being there without me. But a good friend of mine is helping with the organization and staging and she told me the plan that all of the others (non-onpost schoolkids) will be in position before the kids get there. They will walk off of the bus, get in formation, have the picture taken and then they will be put back onto the bus. I am sure G will have some great stories this afternoon.

1 comment:

Analee said...

let us know if it gets on TV!