Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bubbaism -- post #3 of the day :-)

So, I have started a new program with Bubba at home. Since he is not going to a preschool this year, I feel like I need to do something to get him ahead. I did an internet search and found a homeschool preschool program that is pretty easy and is only done in small batches (we do three 10-minute sections throughout the day to keep his interest).
Anyway, one of the things we do all week is learn a nursery rhyme (one a week). This week's is Hey Diddle Diddle. He is doing great at learning it (since this may be the first time he'd heard it) *except* he doesn't know what a fiddle is -- he says "the cat and the skittles"

1 comment:

Analee said...

you live in the heart of bluegrass country and your son doesn't know what a fiddle is. sad. very sad.

you know that is where kendal clapped for the first time - at a live bluegrass concert!

find one and go to it!!! all your kids would love it!