Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Egg Tectonics

Oh... I remembered -- Faithism

Today we were watching the Science Channel. The show Understanding: Volcanoes, to be precise (not new -- it was OnDemand). I know, we are geeks, but Faith has an interest since this is 'V' week at school and you knowI love it. Anyway... the show was explaining plate tectonics using a hardboiled egg as a visual. The yolk is the core, white is mantle, shell is crust. But they were talking about volcanoes and how (back in the day) there was confusion about how the volcano seemed to move until scientists realized that the egg was cracked (plates and plate tectonics). Faith looked at me --

F: Mama, I know how the earth was made

me: you do? How?

F: It started as an egg and then it grew up.

Maybe the egg visual was effective, but not very clear -- at least not to the 4 year old audience. But I guess there probably aren't TOO many 4 year olds watching :-p


I'm to sexy for my chert said...

i think this is the funniest faithism ever! maybe faith will be your geologist...

Analee said...

you know that is a pretty good conclusion given her age and knowledge base. she is one smart little girl!

Dena said...

She is so funny. Do you remember the day she watched that same channel and saw burning lava falling from the sky? She ran in and told Grace that they could NOT go outside that day and was really upset! She believes (and takes in evidently) what she sees on television! That means you better WATCH OUT to make sure she sees what you want her to see. Melissa, give her one of the Childcraft books and let her look up Volcanos and see the pictures. I know there is one.......that is what YOU did.

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

the girls i go to lunch with on wednesday during our Hydrology break loved this story. one girl said it would only be better if she said god laid an egg and it grew up.