Friday, November 14, 2008


According to mom, you know a three year old is a three year old when s/he starts using 'actually' on a regular basis. Well, I have one for you, mom. Apparently a four year old is a pre-k four year old when she uses 'apparently' in every sentence. Faith has started apparently-ing me to death :-) I had to tell her today that apparently every sentence doesn't need to end in 'apparently'. Apparently :-p


Dena said...

Did you ask her what "apparently" means? That would be an interesting answer, I'll bet!

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

i don't know if the blog brought it out of me, or if i say it that much and now realize it.

i started off mom and i making fun of the use of "apparently" and now i use it all the time. hopefully it will go away!