Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Random Ramblings

So... we bought a futon on Saturday. We couldn't get it home in the van, so Rob had to go back and get it. Well, it was last night before Rob got over there. But after putting it together backwards, it is finally together and functioning :-) Now I have somewhere to sit while the kids play downstairs.

You know, though... futons aren't too comfortable, are they? We got the 'up-grade' mattress which is decently comfortable. I couldn't imagine trying to lay on the regular one. You'd feel nothing but bars under you! They really are handy to have. Rob said that he will never put another one together, so he hopes the kids don't want one later in life :-)

Speaking of kids...

-Grace's class is putting on a performance at the PTO meeting Thursday night. I will take a video and lots of pictures, but since Rob won't be able to come there will probably be more of Faith and Josh talking (in the background) than actually hearing G's class!

-Faith picked a Big Wheels over a bike for her birthday. She got a Barbie one (much like the princess ones that mom & dad gave the girls in NC that got destroyed by some hurricane). I haven't put it together yet. Probably should do that... since tomorrow we are supposed to have some decent weather.

-Josh went with Rob to get a haircut on Saturday morning. They match... both have that super short military cut. SO cute on Bubba's little head :-)

-Wee One is the size of an ear of corn now. Can you imagine?!?

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