Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Grace was singing to the top of her lungs...


Me: What in the world are you singing?

G: The song playing in my room.

So, I went back to see what song it was. Hall & Oats "Maneater"

"Oh-here she comes" is what Grace was singing.

*I am going to TRY to get the video in here... hopefully it will work. You can (barely) hear the song playing from her room in the video


Mrs. B said...

Too cute! The video came thru fine, BTW.

It's funny how weird lyrics to songs have come about, isn't it?

Two that always crack me up are:

Jimi Hendrix; "Excuse me, while I kiss the sky" getting turned into, "Excuse me, while I kiss this guy" and

CCR; "Don't go out tonight...there's a bad moon on the rise" getting turned into, "...there's a bathroom on the right"

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

hahaha i immeadetely went to youtube to watch the video for that song! G is to cute.

Dena said...

She has GROWN! Words to songs are funny....how different people hear different words. Kind of like Katelyn's "pideots", remember?

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

thanks mom...

BrerSkwerl said...

Even though I think it was Nathaniel that solved the age-old mystery (to me) of what the ending lyrics of "Maneater" are (the woman is wild, eww... not "ooh-bin-ah-schwa, eww, as I thought... ), I'd love to hear what Grace's translation/interpretation of that part was... ;) Too cute! And, wow, she has grown up so much!

Analee said...

she is big. and that video had me laughing so hard (but silently since k is sleep) that i had to wipe the water from my eyes and pull my cheeks down to see it.