Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thankful returns...

I'm going to try... I'm going to try to start again. Today is the beginning of the Lenten season, so I am going to make being thankful a bigger part of my daily life.

1- Amazing, let me repeat - amazing, Ash Wednesday service tonight at church. I'm even thankful that the kids didn't have a "children's church" to go to -- even if they drove me bonkers at times during the service. Ashes on three foreheads and three hands -- and communion taken by all. Awesome.

2- Music Wednesday! Bones and I have missed the last couple of weeks for various reasons. But we made it today -- and I love it :-)

3- Thankful that Rob comes home between PT and work. I love having that 20-30 minutes to talk with him in the mornings.

4- {cheesy, yes, but...} I'm so glad American Idol is on ;-) I really do love Steven Tyler's contributions! He seems like such a great dude!

5- I've asked the kids to add thankfuls to the end of their prayers at night... "God, thank you for..." Such great responses are in there. Tonight, I feel very, very blessed -- since all four thanked God for me :-) Sure is nice to be a mama!

1 comment:

Analee said...

i like your lent "promise"! maybe it'll make me get back to my blog!