Friday, June 20, 2008

Faith's Family portrait

F's project today was to make a family portrait. I hadn't ever seen her draw people and was curious... so here it is. Guess which one is me...

I would be the one with the baby in my belly :-) Smart girl!


Analee said...

aparently also the older you get, the bigger your head is.

does rob have hair? G&F have shoes on, you are barefoot... and have only 3 toes! love your red hair. and the baby's red hair too!

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

that is too funny. it the blob between your belly and the middle kid dixie? that was mark's question. Maybe this will be a red headed baby. aparently faith thinks so. too bad she didn't make a mark as to the sex of the baby. that would have been even funnier.