Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yes, I am guilty

Swiped from this blog where I lurk... but I do know her just never really comment :-)

Name ten things you are guilty of...

1- I am guilty of pressing snooze at least four times before I finally get up.

2- I am guilty of listening to my kids' music even when they aren't in the car (Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, etc).

3- I am guilty of trying to 'go green' but giving up on cloth diapering for Bones because I wasn't very proficient at it.

4- I am guilty of encouraging pizza night once every two weeks, not because the kids love it, but because it means a night that I don't have to cook.

5- I am guilty of putting tasks off that I struggle with because I don't like to fail.

6- I am guilty of sneaking candy (sugar free, of course) when I know it isn't a good time to eat it (before dinner, etc).

7- I am guilty of impulse purchases on iTunes when I hear a song I like on a TV show.

8- I am guilty of not always reading the complete instructions on things. I look for help when I can't go any further.

9- I am guilty of doing things that I tell my kids not to do. For example, I tell them not to eat the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms, but to eat it all together -- but I would pick the marshmallows out and save them for last every time I ate a bowl!

10- I am guilty of wearing flip flops year round. Unless there is snow on the ground, I'm wearing them!

What are YOU guilty of?

1 comment:

Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Loved the post! Everyone is guilty of something right! Hope your family is doing well.