Friday, January 30, 2009

Winter Storm

You know, I really should listen to the weather guy. He sometimes gets it right. Everybody anticipated the winter weather. Nobody anticipated this much ice. We got so much ice that the power was out for WAY too long. We lost power for about 44 hours. It was cold. I mean super cold. We all bundled into our bedroom and tried to stay warm. But it was cold. Really cold.

My car had a 1 inch block of ice around it.

The ice came first. The grass blades each were encased in ice. Then it snowed. Well, the ice covered grass stuck up through the snow. It was crazy. It made the snow look polka-dotted.


Dena said...

That is some FUNNY looking pokka dotted ssnow! I see what you mean! Next time it does this, you head south or east (preferably EAST) as soon as the roads are clear. We'll feed you and keep you warm!

Dena said...

OK. I didn't know how to spell polka but I think that I really did just hit the k is right beside the l, you know. Maybe I should proof read before I make the comment....

Analee said...

uh, you may want to "head east" before it hits!!!

i'm just glad ya'll are warm again!

Anonymous said...

So glad to know that you are alright! I called Mark to see how you were doing. Hope it is ok if I join the conversation. Love looking at all your comments and the pictures of your kids. Just so cute. I remember when we were in NC the ice storms we had. Beautiful but we were pretty cold for two days. Not as much as you guys though. And if you can't make it east you are welcome down in Alabama. We are kid/cat/dog/adults etc. friendly! Take care, Leanne (Mark's mom)