Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yesterday's drama

Well yesterday was the girls' first day back at school after Winter Break.

Sam thought it was a good day to get up early -- much to my dismay. What is a mama to do with a 5 month old (almost) who doesn't want to sleep past 6am?!? Add in the fact that said mama is NOT a morning person?

So, I got up with him but didn't know what to do with myself. I couldn't be loud because I didn't want the girls to wake up early and get grumpy at school. What to do, what to do? I was SO excited about the first day of school that I made muffins for breakfast. Okay... that took five minutes to mix and put in the oven. What now? Diaper changed, dishwasher emptied (as quietly as possible)... hmmm... still have another 20 minutes.

I couldn't wait. I just woke the girls up early. My thought process was that this may allow them some extra time to get back used to getting up. G jumped right up, ready. F, however, had quite possibly the worst morning EVER! Between "my tummy hurts" and "I want to stay home with you" I finally got her up and dressed. She was excited about the muffins, at least.

Took G out to the bus, early -- caught up on the neighborhood gossip - which isn't a lot. Came back in to get F ready for her bus. She got her coat on, backpack on. Bus #5 pulled up and F grabbed hold of the cast iron railing outside and held on crying that she would NOT go to school. What in the world got into her? Who knows. She had a good day, though. When they got off of the bus, she was all smiles with lots of stories about what happened.

*PS* I had more pictures, but blogger won't let me post them :-(

1 comment:

Analee said...

poor kid. she and kendal must have the same mama-itis!