Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow!! and mints

We finally had enough snow for the kids to get outside and play. They had a blast. Unfortunately, I didn't get out there -- I think Sam is a little too little to get out and make snow angels. He still makes that gasping noise if it is too cold out :-) Plus he is getting a bit of a cold, snotty nose and all.
The girls both made snow angels and Bubba ate the snow. Last year, we got about 9 inches of snow. Faith HATED it. She only stayed out for about 2 minutes last year. This year, though, she warmed up to it (ha, ha).

*it is good snow for snowballs :-)

*Bubba eating snow
I made some buttermints yesterday and split the big bowl's worth of 'dough' into three pieces. Each kid got their own piece to shape into smaller pieces. This is the first time I have made these mints since I was in high school and still lived at home, so I wasn't quite confident in my 'recipe'. I definitely overdid the peppermint, but Rob and the kids still love them.
*Grace went for the squished ball look

*F liked making perfect balls. She tried making worms first, but made them too skinny

*Bubba liked worms, but they were pretty fat -- can you tell which I did and which he did?
*S just liked sitting in his new high chair and watching


Dena said...

I think Grace helped me make cornbread one time....the mint patties look just like little cornbreads ready to go in the frying pan!
Katelyn always makes perfect little balls like Faiths.
Josh's look delicious...I always pick out the short fat pieces and eat them!

Dena said...

I forgot Sam! That is the cutest picture! Boy is he growing up! He has a personality now! A happy one evidently.

Analee said...

melissa makes worms, katelyn makes balls...

i roll the out and cut them into shapes, then glue them together and embellish them with other pieces and then when one piece messes up or is flat or not shiny or something, i mash the whole thing in and make worms that look a lot like bubba's fat ones. (just kidding about the whole roll it out part.)

what happened to sam's eye? is it time to cut his fingernails? that is how i can usually tell with kendal... he gets that bugger-wiper scratch across his face or sleepy-eye-wipe scratch across his cheek.