Wednesday, August 27, 2008


As with all of our children, Sam has been sleeping in our bed (much to the dismay of Rob :-)). It just makes feeding him easier on me and wakes us both up as minimally as possible. Plus when I have those paranoid -middle of the night - freakouts that something is wrong, I can just look at him and see/feel that he is fine without having to get up. Anyway, we had a rough night last night. Samboni has caught my horrid cold. He is all stopped up but doesn't quite get that his mouth can breath, too. So he gasps for breath which makes my paranoia even fiercer. Finally propping him up on my arm helped him, but has given me a sore neck (because I didn't want to move and disturb him).
This morning, I got up to get G-mama up and ready for the bus and put him on his side (yes, I know that every pediatric dr on earth says to put newborns on their backs only, but Sam sleeps better on his side). When I came back in to get myself dressed and check on him, he had rolled over onto his tummy and was OUT! All of our kids have preferred to sleep on their tummies, so Sam fits right in!! Plus, he had one leg pulled up, just like his daddy sleeps :-)

On another note, Sam has thrush. I am having to treat both of us with some horrible medicine. I am not giving him a whole dose, though. Yesterday, I gave him the first dose as prescribed and he threw up and got hungry again very quickly. It isn't like I can just whip up some more milk! So the modified dosage is working to not make him throw up, so hopefully this will clear us both up! His mouth already looks better and I am feeling better, too!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bubba turned 3 :-)

I can't believe that my Bubba is three already! I asked him what he wanted and all he would say is a cake with icing.

Okay... what kind of cake?

A blue one. With blue icing.

Alright. I can do that. What else do you want?

I don't know. Just a cake. Maybe a toy.

What kind of toy?

I don't know. I do want a blue cake, though.

So... I started making the blue cake and asked what shape he wanted his cake. A great big cupcake. That is exactly what he got. It wasn't the prettiest, but it was a big blue cupcake. And, yes, the cake was blue too. The batter looked like smurfs :-)

Sam wants to know where his cake is.

Thanks, Nana -- we LOVE Lincoln Logs!

Thanks for Monkwink, Grandma and Granddaddy!

It's hard for the sisters not to help! They wanted him to unwrap faster :-)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Bubba's newest adventure

Well, I can at least say that Bubba waited until he was almost 3 before he stuck something up his nose. He came out of the girls' room, crying saying his nose hurt. I looked right at him and KNEW! I asked if he had something in his nose.

Him -"Yep"
Me - what is it?
Him - a bead

That is right... a bead. Rob and I tried to get the bead out, but it wouldn't budge. We tried to get him to blow his nose, but he tends to suck air in instead of blowing out. Nothing. Finally we tried having him smell pepper to make him sneeze. Nothing. We decided to watch him (he seemed fine and wasn't panicing or anything) but Rob would take him to the ER if it hadn't come out after a while.

Bubba was sitting on the couch, eating his PB&J when he SNEEZED!! I looked over at him and saw the bead hanging out of his nose as he is starting to suck his breath in! AGH! I ran over and got the bead. I think he learned his lesson since his nose hurt pretty bad afterwards.

Mining for gems...

Examining the evidence after it came out :-p

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


*slightly vulgar*

When Rob got home on Monday, Faith couldn't wait to tell him about the *big* event that occurred that day...

Faith: Daddy, Daddy. Guess what exciting thing happened today?!?

R: I don't know. What happened?

Faith: Sam's belly button fell off. He'll be able to take a bath now.

R: Oh. That IS exciting.

Faith: Yep, and tomorrow -- his penis is going to fall off.

*NOTE: Sam had a different type of circumcision than Josh... this kind had a plastic ring that actually stayed on him and would fall off as the circumcision healed. I guess I should have explained a little better that only that piece of plastic was going to fall off! (I wouldn't recommend looking at that website unless you are prepared -- yuck!)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just some pictures...

he does open his eyes :-)

That is a Harris Elvis lip in the making right there!!

This being born thing is tiring!!

So is being a big brother

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

School Pics

Grace ready to go to the bus

Faith getting ready to go out to the bus

School girls -- nervous, but ready

Monday, August 4, 2008


Well, the girls are off to school for the day. Grace was a bit nervous (told me her tummy hurt) and Faith was most anxious about finding her way to her room once she got to school. I know that they will both have GREAT days -- I did MUCH better than I did last year, though the tears did well up (but I held them back).

The sisters are on their way! Maybe I will relax once they get here to go into labor on my own. That is my hope! I woke up last night with a contraction and laid there, praying that God would let me hold on just one more day :-) I read somewhere that there is a 14% increase in labors on Tuesdays. Interesting, but none of mine were Tuesday babies, so far. I have a Saturday and two Wednesday babies -- guess that means mine are going to have a 75% chance of being a Wednesday baby, so I blow that statistic out of the water :-)

So... what are Bubba and I going to do this morning with both girls gone? Who knows. Right now, he wants to watch the Smurfs -- which I am just fine with :-) Off to the couch to snuggle with a snuggle bug :-)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Change #1

Well... the end is still in sight, but it has been pushed back a day. The hospital called today to tell me that my Tuesday induction was being bumped back to Wednesday due to a high risk pregnancy's need. What was I supposed to say... NO?!? So, who knows... maybe I will still go 'on my own' by Wednesday morning. I kind of hope to...

The kids and I met F's teacher earlier this afternoon. She seems to be SO nice, which will be great for F. She, thankfully, volunteered to change all of her name tags to "Faith" from "Georgia". There are definitely times when I regret calling her (and G) by their middle names. Oh well... too late now, I suppose. Who knows, though. She may change her tune in a few years and want to be Georgia. I guess that is a benefit of moving every two or three years. They can make adjustments without TOO much fuss. But, back to Mrs D... F turned on the charm. Mrs D wanted to know (from me) if there was anything she should know about F. Rob and I had already discussed telling her that F is a bit of a sensitive child, who can't take a very strict voice, etc. She wants to please everybody so bad that she gets her feelings hurt easily. As a seasoned teacher, Mrs D said that she could tell that already, just from being around her for 10 minutes! So, I have a lot of good hopes for this year already!

We are about to leave to go *back* to school to meet G's teacher. We walked down the hall today and I showed G which was her class and she immediately looked at me, with those HUGE brown eyes, and said she knew which one was her teacher. I was slightly concerned since the room itself reminded her... turns out that hers is the teacher with the "big bottom". That is what she remembers. What a dork. Anyway, I'll try to update later on my impression of her :-)