Friday, January 15, 2010


1) Got to talk with Rob and know that he is safe... not at his final destination yet, but well on his way.

2) Grey's Anatomy with Heather tonight!

3) volunteered at the big kids' school this morning. I really do love popping the popcorn :-)

4) Sam is in a kissing phase. He wants to kiss... and kiss... and kiss... I won't ever pass up a chance for a kiss from my kids, even when they are super snotty (which is most of us right now... but I'm not thankful for that, so forget I mentioned it).

5) sugar free candy. I don't care how bad my tummy hurts after I eat it, somedays you just need chocolate. Today was one of those days... and I was glad for some sugar free chocolate!

1 comment:

Analee said...


that was my stomach telling your stomach hi. but mine isn't talking because of chocolate. it has something else really really bad in it.