Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Imagine... we were watching American Idol tonight and this little girl was on (pictured) and the conversation went like this...

G: Mama, she looks like she is from Hawaii

me: Her family is from a place called the Philippines. The people are called Filipino.

G: What do they speak there?

me: They speak Filipino there.

G: Well, she sounds like she is speaking American. Why isn't she speaking jalapeno?

I just about fell off of the couch.


Dena said...

I am laughing so hard and being so quiet....look at the time....that I have tears in my eyes. jalapeno!

Analee said...

that is SO grace.

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

hahahaha oh gracie lou...

Mrs. B said...

That really brought a smile to my face :-)