Monday, August 10, 2009


Today, the 3ESC came home from a 15 month deployment to Iraq. Out of our neighborhood, five daddies came home. What a great day for their families.

It is very weird to think that these families -- who I have been getting to know for the past 14-1/2 months since we moved in here -- actually have another family member! I have never met any of the daddies -- and that is just kind of strange to think about.

I had all intentions of going to the welcoming home ceremony today, but it was during a time that I had to be home to get the girls off of the bus. SO... the kids taped welcome home banners to their bikes and waited at the entrance to our neighborhood - to welcome our new neighbors home. And to say we are proud of their service and glad they are all home.

I must admit -- I am a bit jealous :-(

1 comment:

Analee said...

you'll have your turn.