Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday's Thanks

1- Sam seems to be back to himself again. He has been teething (and drooling) for the past couple of weeks. Though the culprit tooth still hasn't surfaced (it is close... I can see it just under the gum), his temperament is back to normal. PLUS... he is back to sleeping better. For about 6 days straight, he was back to waking up every ONE AND A HALF HOURS! He now wakes about twice a night -- which I can handle :-)

2- The kids are LOVING school :-) It sure makes the days go faster for us, too. I am really looking forward to getting back into our good school routine.

3- Finally bit the bullet and went to the doctor. Turns out that it is indeed a capillary bleed that has erupted across my body. What is the cause -- Who knows? The doc ordered a routine CBC and it showed that my platelet count is quite low (not as low as it has been in the past, but low just the same). So... why is this a thankful? Because while looking at the CBC, I saw that my white blood count is fine. The last time my counts were so low, they were accompanied by a low WBC. That is a bad thing... means the bone marrow isn't doing its job. I can handle the low platelets alone :-) (PS... I was going to add a picture here of something related to low platelets, but I had to stop looking -- sometimes you SHOULDN'T google the things that are wrong with you)

4- we bought a new plecostomus fish (we call them all Pico) last night. Hopefully he will earn his keep by cleaning the fish tank!

5- Watched Wipeout tonight with the kids. They just laugh and laugh -- and I just love to hear that!


Anonymous said...


Dena said...

Do you remember the first shows like that a few years ago? It was all in Japanese with some English thrown in over it...well, that is when I fell in "laugh" with that type show. They are SO funny! Sometimes those people must be hurt, they hit too hard or at the wrong angle but they get right up and keep going!