Wednesday, August 19, 2009


disclaimer -- this is a gross one -- you have been warned.

Picture it: Josh just came into our living room ... doing the potty dance.

Me: Josh, do you need to pee?

J: No, I have to poop.

Me: Well, go to the bathroom.

J: Somebody has to turn on the thing.

Me: The light? It is light in there because of the light coming in the window.

J: No, the thing.

Me (getting up to herd him that way...): What thing?

*I turn on the light*

J: No, the other thing.

Me: The fan?

J: Yes. Turn it on so I don't have to smell it.



Analee said...

lol that is too cute.

EngineerHousehold6 said...

Cute! lol At least he's thinking about stuff like that.

Emily Davis said...

I love that.. Gabe asks for a magazine!