How do you "Follow a Blog"? Does it notify you when there is an update? I have probably 10 blogs that I look at daily -- most of the time, there is not much of a change.
I am realizing how much time I spend on the computer and am trying to cut it down.
Thanks for your help, if you know!!
the people's whose blog you follow have to allow you to follow it... i.e., they have to have the link on their blog.
"gurpw" what you do when you swallow too much water in the pool.
Well, not really, Analee. As long as the person's Blog is public or you have access to it (e.g., Nathaniel's), you can follow it.
Go to Dashboard. It will have something that says "Blogs I am Following" under "Reading List".
Click on "Add"; it will ask for the URL which you can copy from their Blog when you are reading it.
The Blogs you add will pop up in this spot and you'll be able to tell if they have been updated.
use or create a custom google homepage and add your blogs there.
reader is nice because you can share with your friends if they also use it.
i thought you were asking how do people allow you to follow their blog (like the way amy has followers...)
to do that, you go to layout, and add a gadget. the second one is "followers" - if the person has that gadget, you can follow their blog. you will get their updates on your "about me" page (your profile).
OH... i see what mrs. b was saying... you CAN do it even if they don't have that gadget! sweet! learned something new!
What are yall talking about?
I just don't get it. I only want YOU, ANALEE, Katelyn and Nathaniel to read what I write. Is that all that get it? How do I know and How do I check? must have it set up that way (only the folks you want to read your Blog) because when I tried to access it, it told me I was not authorized and would have to contact you to send me an invite.
So, you're probably set up the way you want to be!
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