Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Sam is finding his voice -- you know, that cute little 'coo' that comes first. I haven't gotten it on camera yet. It is still pretty sporatic, but I am working on it and will post.

I have such mixed emotions about it. Knowing he is my last baby, it makes me sad that he is growing up. I am SO excited though to see what kind of person he turns out to be (as I am with all of the kids). I am also mixed knowing that once he STARTS, it doesn't stop! If he is like G, there won't be a moment of silence in our house!!
PS... yes, he IS flipping me off after his first bath. I have to remember not to try to bathe him while he is hungry. He likes baths, otherwise :-)


I'm to sexy for my chert said...

aww sweet face. i can here his pissed off cry now (or at least the cry he had when I was there last) Yea it is sad to think about him growing up already, but it will be nice when he can keep up with the others! (hopefully that will be a year or two down the road)

Analee said...

we have a middle finger shot of kendal too. hahaha

kendal also loved baths. so long as they were warm, and, like you said, he wasn't hungry!

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

just so you know, i'm checking your blog every hour or so to see if you've captured and posted the sound of samboni's voice.