Sunday, February 7, 2010

Eating my words...

So, recently I wrote that I try to never 'vent' on here. I really try to keep everything positive. I do my thankfuls, I write my kid-isms, etc. Well, I'm eating those words... as I vent again. So here's your warning --- don't read this one if you don't want to read my vent.

America. I love it. I do.

But (you knew it was coming, right?)... why is everybody wearing their nerves on their sleeves nowadays? Superbowl commercials are what's getting me now. When did the American people start needing somebody to tell them what we can handle on TV? Really?!? And I'm not talking about everything. I appreciate not having to worry about somebody dropping the f* bomb or engaged in adult activities while my kids are watching normal TV. I do. I appreciate it. However, I am not really a fan of censorship on IDEAS.

This goes both ways. NOW protested Focus on the Family's "Celebrate Life" commercial; CBS denies ManCrunch's gay dating website commercial. Really? Really?!? Because the American public is too stupid to decide for themselves whether or not they like/need/care anything about/etc those ideas or services.

Maybe I'm the only one that this bothers. On Facebook, etc... people jumped quickly on the "support Tebow's commercial" bandwagon. These same people would be horrified if a Planned Parenthood commercial was aired. Anybody who knows me, knows that I am very VERY personally pro-life. Seeing a tastefully done Planned Parenthood commercial (as the Celebrate Life commercial was done very tastefully) wouldn't make me jump up and change my opinion on this. Is that NOW's fear? That seeing Tebow as the spokesperson for this campaign will put women's lib back 50 years? What little faith the National Organization of WOMEN seems to have in those women. (PS - NOW has linked with to host an anti-Tebow website... hmmm... because scantily clad waifs of women advertising GoDaddy advances the women's lib movement SO much...).

This leads me to another... the format of Facebook has changed. All the status comments are very negative... "I hate the new format", "this stinks", etc. I even saw one that said something like "if I wasn't on here all the time, I'd stop using it." America -- if you don't like it, don't use it. If you don't like ManCrunch's dating service... don't use it. If you don't like Focus on the Family's pro-life stance, you have a CHOICE. Crazy how that works.


Analee said...

i think this wraps right back into your last vent. they have the same common denominator. IDIOTS!

america is full of them. i'm sure other countries are too. we live together among them, and here we all have the same freedom of speech. so, just like you said, we don't have to listen to them! :)

i never got the big deal about the commercial. saw it on (what's the big black chick's talk show? willow? wendy? she's pretty funny though. not oprah. younger woman, not tyra. more amazon.)

anyway, i think tv is all about ratings. kinda like the reason mom doesn't watch all my children anymore: girls kissed?????

i wouldn't care, i'm (we're) a different generation. i don't discriminate based on gender, race, or sexual preference.

(p.s., when i said "black chick" i was meaning a dark skinned woman, you knew what i meant, it wasn't meant 2B derogatory, if she was white, i woulda said white chick!)

here is a new blog topic for you. i've thought about writing about it but haven't because mainly a lack of knowledge: DON'T ASK DON'T TELL!

Mrs. B said...

I agree that, regardless of one's perspective/beliefs, people do seem to be hyper-sensitive to everything these days. Many of my very liberal friends were upset that there was going to be a Focus commercial. I wasn't thrilled, but, what? I don't like Bud Lite, either and God knows there were a ton of those commercials!
And, for the record, although I am Pro Choice, I found the commercial completely unoffensive to my position. I did, however, find those Go Daddy ones (Danica is not my favorite personality) stupid.
My favorite was the one with the toys taking a road trip to Vegas in a Kia SUV. I love Sock Monkeys :-)

Doc said...

I chalk it up to technology (insert Analee's eyes rolling). I loathe technology (and I realize the irony) and I feel it has made everyone less personal. True, it does allow easier contact, but it makes for shallow, meaningless contact.

It also breeds a feeling of cynicism because anyone can speak their mind and be "anonymous." I bet many would not be so negative if they actually spoke their minds to someone's face.

I admit I am a participant in technology, but I think I'd be much happier if it was gone.

To me, happiness is found between the sole and the soil. If I'd only get off my butt...