Thursday, December 11, 2008

Samboni's 4 month checkup

I can't believe that Samboni is past the 4 month mark! He went to his 4 month checkup on Monday. I was shocked that he is only 14 lbs, 11 oz but a whopping 26 inches long. That puts him at 34th percentile for weight and 74th percentile for height. WHAT?!? 34th percentile? My eyes immediately watered and I asked if I should start supplementing. Know what the doc said? NOPE. Sam was laying on the table while she was trying to listen to his heart and she started chuckling. "Does he ALWAYS move this much?" she asks. YEP... Always! "Well, no wonder he can't keep any weight on" :-)

So, it is official. I have a wiggle worm for a son. He is a cute wiggle worm :-) And he likes to eat my face...

Oh... and I made that pitiful little hat. We call it his "coolio" hat :-) See the resemblance?


Analee said...

dude that is totally a coolio hat. too cute though! i love that picture.

he'll fatten up, i'm sure he's just on the pre-part of his 5 month growth spurt!

i read an article today about several "herbs" (they weren't all herbs) that increase your milk supply! (drinking goats milk was one of them.)

Analee said...

i clicked on the picture to blow it up - that really is a good pic ofyou 2.

sam's skin looks like rkt's. smooth and alabaster white. man oh man i wish i could erase my freckles and wrinkles and have skin like that again.

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

i love the hat. very coolio...