Sunday, April 4, 2010

One More...

Okay... last post of the day (I think).

What happens when your four year old gets his hands on your camera? Some pretty ridiculously cute pictures. I fussed... because he wasn't supposed to get it, but then I laughed and laughed when I looked at what he took. And I showed him what he took -- and I let him know that he did a great job -- but to not get my camera without asking :-)

Friendship. Family. Nature. Home. Shadows. The best of things.

*I think he saw me taking pictures of some flowers blooming in our yard. So, he took this:
*G wanted a picture of her hand because it was covered with fingernail polish and glitter :-)
*Bub didn't take this one, his partner in crime from across the street did... note the Cinderella glove over the lens :-)
*stinkin' cute shadows
*being artistic?

1 comment:

Analee said...

those are cute. in our sarasota trip photobook (shutterfly!), kendal has a 2 (or 3?) page spread of the pictures he took. he loves taking pictures.

oh, and i love the "home" perspective. almost looks fisheye.