Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Since I busted out Rob on his need for Hannah Montana tonight, I figured I'd add one for me.

The girls each brought home a letter yesterday from school. It was a form letter, but it started out a little strange for me.

{In my defense, the letters were still in their folders, so I only saw the top.}

I read it like this:

"Holla {what up b!tches}... and happy spring."

Holla? The {What up b!tches} was what my brain inserted after Holla.

No... I read it wrong. It was from the Spanish department.

It said:

Hola and Happy Spring.

I guess I should tell myself to read carefully... not just tell G to read carefully.


Analee said...

holla! that is hilarious.

kendal said "what mommy? what funny?"

Emily Davis said...

That made me laugh at loud...

Emily Davis said...

oops... I mean laugh OUT loud!