Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Since I busted out Rob on his need for Hannah Montana tonight, I figured I'd add one for me.

The girls each brought home a letter yesterday from school. It was a form letter, but it started out a little strange for me.

{In my defense, the letters were still in their folders, so I only saw the top.}

I read it like this:

"Holla {what up b!tches}... and happy spring."

Holla? The {What up b!tches} was what my brain inserted after Holla.

No... I read it wrong. It was from the Spanish department.

It said:

Hola and Happy Spring.

I guess I should tell myself to read carefully... not just tell G to read carefully.


I think we've decided it's time to upgrade our camera. Rob and I were researching some 'technical' aspects of what we want (focal point, etc) tonight. After about 10 minutes of reading sentences like this:

Rob said: Melissa, I'd rather be watching Hannah Montana than doing this right now.

Enough said. We're not researching anymore tonight.

Monday, April 26, 2010


I love being a mama. I know I've said it before, but I really do. I love not knowing what the next thing that is going to come out of my children's mouths will be. So... G had some doozies this weekend. Here are a couple:
Last Friday night, families waiting for their Soldiers to return gathered at Gatti's Pizza to socialize. The last week of "They're coming", "They're delayed", "They're coming", "They're delayed", etc... was rough on us all.

So, we were sitting, eating, chatting, etc. A friend of mine came over and was asking if we were excited (duh?) that Rob was coming home. G said... mom's excited because she can lay on daddy!

WHAT?!? Huh? I just looked at her. Looked back at my friend.

My friend started snickering. Again, I looked at G. She came back with, "what? You do lay on him when he won't move over on the couch."

Clarify, G, clarify.


Next... yesterday, Bones had gas. Pretty rough, smelly gas. My poor, lactose-intolerant baby boy.

G came into the living room from her room (followed by Bones) with her nose pinched. She said:

"Mom, he sliced a piece of cheese"


me: What?

G: You know, that's what some people say when you toot: Slice a piece of cheese.

Silence. Then absolute hysterics from me and Rob.

Cut the cheese, baby. The saying is CUT the cheese.

Oh. Isn't it the same?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Welcome Home Rob!

The year is over. Rob is back home and I couldn't be happier. I am excited for the couple of years of 'stable' army life that we have in store for us. I'm ready.

Here are some pictures from today's Welcome Home Ceremony!

*Friends and Families of the 15th Engineer Company

*Before the Soldiers get to the field house, it is kind of a kids' free-for-all. Here's me and mine in a rare moment of stillness.
(picture taken by my friend JoBeth)

*Rob - walked in first to bring the company in. He was about 15 feet in front of us. I was so excited, showing all the kids -- "Look, there's daddy!" I, of course, had tears in my eyes. What relief to actually see him. Safe and sound. And only 15 feet away. I wasn't the only one emotional either... here's what I saw when I looked over at Faithers.

*I asked what she was crying about and she told me they were happy tears. She was just trying to hold it all in.

*The company, formed, ready to listen to the CG. Well, let's be honest... they were ready for him to shut his mouth and release them to their families. I was pretty impressed that he spoke for less than a minute. He knew he wasn't the highlight of the day today!

*I got him first -- Bones slung in one arm :-)

*Then the other kids caught up!

*Bubba fell in love with his daddy again today. He's so happy, but a little hesitant to talk about Rob being home. I think that he thinks he's going back soon. I was talking with him tonight about how daddy doesn't have to go back, at least for a little while. He looked at me and asked if he was going to live with us now. We are counting on Fort Leonard Wood and some good family time!

(picture taken by my friend JoBeth)

And we are back together... finally.
(picture taken by my friend JoBeth)

Thanks for all of the prayers that have been sent up for our family. I know that God has kept Rob safe through this year and has been a constant companion for me -- in order to help me keep my sanity.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I have a new obsession

First, let me be honest... I love fried foods. The crispier the better.

I'm sure you've all had Crispy Onion Rings -- the things on top of most Southern Green Bean Casseroles. Well, I don't know if they are new or not, but our commissary now carries Crispy Jalapenos.

Phenomenal. I could eat the entire bag in one sitting. Luckily, they aren't too bad for the low carb diet...

You should try them!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

From the mouths of babes...

We were outside this evening, for a little walk. There are dandelions all over the place. The kids were picking them up, making wishes and blowing. Bones and I were in front of the other three, but I overheard Bubba say:

"I wished that Daddy would come home"

So... I picked up a dandelion and made the same wish.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Video of F TBall

Super funny - watch until the end :-)

I should have been more specific when saying "run home"!

F's first T-ball game


Hello. My name is Melissa and I am an audiobook addict.

Our library has an incredible selection of audiobooks. So, I decided to take better advantage of it. There are all sorts of 'classics' on audiobook. You know, those books that we were all supposed to read in high school or college -- but somehow I didn't.

I decided to get Robinson Crusoe. I have listened to about 2-1/2 hours so far.

I have learned something. About myself. I don't like classic novels. There's a reason I never finished these books. I don't like them.

Anybody have a suggestion on a good 'classic'? I've also tried Wuthering Heights. Lasted about 25 minutes on that one. Ugh!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


1- Daisy Scouts then T-ball practice but no class for me tonight. That sure made it a much easier Tuesday night. We actually ate at home tonight -- not in the car!

2- Glee came back on tonight. I really do love that show. And tonight's episode -- with Idina Menzel -- WOW. I hope Rob will watch it with me when he gets home.

3- I wore a dress today. I love spring and summer and the feel of a long, jersey dress with flip flops -- nothing better!

4- Rob has safely made it one step closer to home. He's actually in a place where I can text him! I love technology :-)

5- Finally remembered (while sitting at the computer) to look up directions for putting music onto my phone. Now I can use it like an iPod alternative!

Oh... and I am *in love* with this song -- and you should hear the kids belt it out! Amazing voice on that one!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday's Thanks

1- First soccer game of the season and Bubba was the star (pictures will follow - tomorrow - I left my camera in the car)! After ten goals, I stopped counting. I told the youth sports director they should age him up... but she didn't listen.

2- Bought diapers, wipes and dog food today -- knowing that the next time I will need to buy them, Rob will be home to go with me.

3- Sam's Club. It just makes me happy. I love going in and seeing a jumbo can of something I couldn't imagine needing. I think the large-ness of everything makes me feel like a little girl. Plus, where else can you buy mayonnaise by the gallon... just kidding... I didn't need that :-)

4- A night of s'mores around the fire pit with some friends. I smell like smoke and will have to shower before getting in the bed, but it was sure nice to be out there. Now I just need to find dry wood. Maybe I'll buy some of those insta-logs!

5- Wonderful weather. It started out a bit chilly, but sure did warm up well.

6- Did lunges and other leg/butt exercises around our circle tonight. I know I will be hurting in the morning, but it felt great!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Picture it... Fort Knox... our house:

Me (to Bones): Go get a diaper so we can change your butt and go to bed.

{Bones takes off to his room and returns with two diapers}

Me: Take this one back please {handing him one diaper}. You only need one diaper. You only have one butt.

Bubba: He does have two butts.

Me: What?!?

Bubba: Yes, it has a crack in it. That makes two.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yes, I am guilty

Swiped from this blog where I lurk... but I do know her just never really comment :-)

Name ten things you are guilty of...

1- I am guilty of pressing snooze at least four times before I finally get up.

2- I am guilty of listening to my kids' music even when they aren't in the car (Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, etc).

3- I am guilty of trying to 'go green' but giving up on cloth diapering for Bones because I wasn't very proficient at it.

4- I am guilty of encouraging pizza night once every two weeks, not because the kids love it, but because it means a night that I don't have to cook.

5- I am guilty of putting tasks off that I struggle with because I don't like to fail.

6- I am guilty of sneaking candy (sugar free, of course) when I know it isn't a good time to eat it (before dinner, etc).

7- I am guilty of impulse purchases on iTunes when I hear a song I like on a TV show.

8- I am guilty of not always reading the complete instructions on things. I look for help when I can't go any further.

9- I am guilty of doing things that I tell my kids not to do. For example, I tell them not to eat the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms, but to eat it all together -- but I would pick the marshmallows out and save them for last every time I ate a bowl!

10- I am guilty of wearing flip flops year round. Unless there is snow on the ground, I'm wearing them!

What are YOU guilty of?

Oh so Thankful

Six years ago, my life changed for the better - again. I became the mama of *two* girls. Having been a mama to one, I thought I knew what to expect. I was wrong.

How great is God? Great. Very, very, awesomely great.

I explained to F that when I had her, I imagined I was the Grinch at the end of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. My heart grew double its size. I didn't have to love G less to love F. And I *could* love another soul as much as I loved my first born. Wonderful. Overwhelming. I still don't understand how it is possible.

Just for those of you thinking of having more -- it keeps on growing. There are times when I feel like my heart will explode from loving my husband and kids so much. The tightness I feel when I think of Rob coming home by the end of the month and having a predictable schedule for the next couple of years; when G brings home a note from her teacher that says she's reading two grade levels above her peers; when F will hug and cry with a friend whose daddy is leaving for a few months (for school) because she understands and is compassionate; when Bubba takes Bones by the hand and calls him his 'buddy' because he understands how it feels to be the little brother; and when Bones gives me three kisses at night and tries to mimic me when we say nightly prayers -- that tightness lets me know everyday how blessed I am. There are definitely times when I have to remember to feel that blessing -- and not to countdown the minutes until bedtime. I no longer think that makes me a bad mom. That is part of being a mom. And I couldn't imagine life in any other way.

G, listening to my story to F about being the Grinch, asked how my heart could still fit in my body it is was now four times bigger than when I started. I'm not sure Big G, I'm not sure.

There is nothing better than being a mama. Thank you Faith for giving me faith.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

One More...

Okay... last post of the day (I think).

What happens when your four year old gets his hands on your camera? Some pretty ridiculously cute pictures. I fussed... because he wasn't supposed to get it, but then I laughed and laughed when I looked at what he took. And I showed him what he took -- and I let him know that he did a great job -- but to not get my camera without asking :-)

Friendship. Family. Nature. Home. Shadows. The best of things.

*I think he saw me taking pictures of some flowers blooming in our yard. So, he took this:
*G wanted a picture of her hand because it was covered with fingernail polish and glitter :-)
*Bub didn't take this one, his partner in crime from across the street did... note the Cinderella glove over the lens :-)
*stinkin' cute shadows
*being artistic?

Happy Easter

Today was great. I love Easter. I love the feeling of renewal that I feel today, of all days. A day where I feel that things are the way they are supposed to be -- even if they aren't the way that I thought they would be. The bad things that I have done in my life are in the past. Today is fresh. I know I am forgiven -- and not because of anything that I have done or that I deserve it, because I don't. But I am thankful that I am.

Anyway... here's how our day went.

Bones was up early and the big three weren't far behind-- so we had a 'big' homemade breakfast. There really isn't much better than making a big ol' batch of homemade buttermilk biscuits and seeing them devoured by my kids. I guess it would be better if I could eat them, too, but they are not really low carb friendly :-)

Here are some pictures of the kids with their Easter morning loot --

*look at Bubba's eyes -- he was amazed that he got chocolate!

*movies were the theme for the Easter Bunny this year.

*Bones got a movie too (Curious George 2), but I just loved this picture of him checking out his jellybeans. Doesn't it just say "Hmmm... what are these things?!?"

Needless to say, we've watched two movies today and done a whole lot of nothing else. The cool thing about Coraline is that it came with 3D glasses and one side/version was in 3D! Pretty cool.


I have tendencies. OCD-ish tendencies. I hoped that nobody else would pick them up... then today I saw this:

I guess Bubba did get some things from me. This is how I would have to have my jellybean bowl too (without the green... everybody knows I don't eat green candy -- luckily, everybody else in the house will so I don't have to toss/waste them).

**PS -- I should have done the Easter post first. That will be next :-)

Easter Egg Hunt

I've neglected posting lately... Spring Break was fun and crazy and almost over. Here are pictures from the Easter Egg hunt on post. This was just over a week ago now... yes, I am behind at the pictures!

I'll probably be playing catch up today -- lots of pictures coming :-)

Bones passed up all of the eggs -- he didn't quite get that he was supposed to pick them up. He did see that his Bub went running -- so he did too! You can see Bones in the red jacket and just to his left is Bubba picking up eggs.

Bones, checking out his loot

Bubba and his egg-y loot (there was a 5 egg maximum per kid -- there were SO many kids!)

Girls with their eggs

Family with Easter Bunny -- Bones really didn't like him.