Bones colored on the wall. Again. And of course, he found one of the few non-washable crayons in the house to do it. They are very rare in our house. I think there are only about two left in the house and those have been stored in G's school stuff. Well, he found it.

Anyway... out came the Magic Erasers. I have such a love-hate relationship with those little puffs of white magic. I love that they can get the crayon off the wall and they polish baseboards oh so well BUT I *hate*, *hate* how they feel in my hand. Imagine -- fingers on chalkboard. They make my skin crawl. SO... I always wear a rubber glove {black gloves with cool zebra stripes on the ends -- which will be significant in a minute} when I use them.
Before I clean the walls, I always make the kid responsible for the mess try to clean it up. So, Bones had already tried to wipe the crayon away with a rag. In I walk, rubber gloved armed with a Magic Eraser. Bones disappears.
I'm full into the wall scrub when I notice he's back. With the package's other eraser... and an oven mitt {black silicone, to be exact} on his hand. He was so cute, I immediately started cracking up. He said:
Glub. Like you. Me clean.
Aw...he is talking...more than one word!
that is hilarious! and i just figured out that i'm the guest from "stem, NC" funny, i've never even HEARD of stem, NC!
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