If you have a Nintendo DS, you will know what pictochat is. For those not in the know... it is a way for players to talk with each other, wirelessly, between gaming systems. They have to be relatively close... it isn't a large network, just a fun way to type back and forth. Imagine IM'ing via Nintendo.
Anyway, my oldest three pictochat all the time. Since Faithers and Bubba aren't the best spellers in the world, most of the time, the pictochat screen is filled with doodle drawings from one to another.
Flash to today, in the car on the way to Springfield --
Faithers and G were in the back, being unusually quiet. I couldn't figure it out until Faith says:
Mom, it is so fun to pictochat with paper.
Yep, they were passing notes back and forth in a notebook. But she doesn't call it writing notes... no, it is pictochatting on paper.
Rob and I were discussing the naming of our children the other day. We agree that we named them well and that their names match their personalities.
For whatever reason, we started talking about what we didn't name them. I have always really liked the name Seamus. Love it. Good, strong name. Rob would never consider it. Finally, I asked him why. He said because our last name wasn't O'Fairel!
1- I have a husband that thinks a lot of me. He compliments me and makes sure the kids hear it. So, tonight, I put Bubba in bed and he called out -- "Goodnight, pretty mommy". What a sweet bunch of boys I have!
2- Target has started selling their brand of diapers in "Club Sized" boxes. I guess that just means a lot more diapers. Since the nearest Target is an hour drive and they seem to be the ONLY diapers that don't break Bones's butt out -- I bought TWO of their "Club Sized" boxes!
3- Rob is safely in Vegas. I am always nervous when he travels -- but at least this travel is in THIS country :-)
4- Bones pooked on the potty tonight. WooHoo!
5- With Rob's help, I am caught up on laundry. Granted there are two piles to fold and put away, but one of them is sheets and that's too easy! It's always nice to have a jump on Monday!
What are you thankful for today?!?
I, too, am thankful that you caught up on laundry, that you blogged and that Samboni pooked on the potty. I'm still laughing at faith and grace passing notes. good night pretty mama.
i am thankful that i am caught up on pictures
i am thankful that you have updated your blog
i am thankful that sam pooked on the potty (now if kendal would only do it!)
i am thankful that i am not as fat as i was (makes me feel a whole lot better!)
i am thankful for cooler weather (i like being outside, i don't like being hot or worrying about sun exposure on 90% of my body)
i am thankful that my kids like being outside
i am thankful that kendal is a GREAT shopper
i am thankful that holly is a climber so she can teach kendal tricks
i am thankful that we rearranged our living room around today and now i have a new spot for a picture (a BIG picture!)
i am thankful that i shop at coldwater where the employees are like personal shopping assistants - the shirt they suggested i would have NEVER picked out is already my favorite one this year.
i am thankful for coldwater's 25% off jacket sale - i love my new jacket
i am THANKFUL for a new job with great people to work with
i am thankful for healthy children that love me and nathaniel and get along well with other children (we took them to buttons and bows today and they went in the baby room where kendal was when he was a baby to see his old teachers and they couldn't believe #1 how big and tall he was and #2 how gentile and easily they both moved around the babies. they said that big kids usually were wild in that room and they both were so soft and easy with those babies! they also went outside and played with the 2 year old class (which will be kendal's class) and they both made new friends. one girl taught holly how to climb a vertical wall to get onto a slide. kendal made a younger-2 friend (boy) who was dressed like him - same shoes, cuffed jeans, mohawk. it was adorable. i'm excited they'll get back in that school!
which leads me to my last thankful:
i'm thankful for buttons and bows and the wonderful teachers and owners there!
now if i could only be thankful for this full night's sleep i was getting...
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