Is the "a little late" thing starting to become a habit... yikes!
1) It's Friday. Enough said about that one.
2) The kids had only a half day of school. Though it kind of messed with my normal schedule, it was great that they got to play outside for three hours this afternoon!
3) Looks like spring weather is here... hopefully it will last.
4) Rob and I went to a formal tonight. (no pictures... sorry) It was quite a different experience than I've had before (and I've been to my fair share of formals). It was a class dining out... not necessarily a "unit function". Unit functions, though they have their own set of downfalls, have a degree of cohesion. It was a nice night out with Rob, though... regardless of where we went :-)
5) I am officially three (Wed, Thurs, Fri) days soda-free. Not caffeine-free, mind you. I still get my caffeine, but have cut soda out completely. Hard. Oh-so hard. Harder than I thought it would be hard. But I'm going it... so far. Wish me luck!
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