Thursday, May 6, 2010


We have some beautiful visitors every day here. Bones always comes running, with his fingers pinching away from his mouth (the sign for bird), yelling "Bud. Mama. Bud." Unfortunately, I am not a bird watcher. Let me clarify, I love to *watch* birds, but don't know what any of the names are. There are a few names I know. I know a Robin and a Cardinal, but beyond that -- well, I'm clueless.

We used to have an Audubon Bird Book, but it got destroyed at the hands of two handsome gentlemen that I love. I would love looking birds up to figure out what they were. Maybe we'll have to get another one.

Anyway, here are some of the pictures of our visitors -- our "Buds".

We call this one the "Brown Headed Black Bird". I know, we are SO creative :-)


I'm assuming this is a pigeon of sorts?

We have a lot of these little guys.

I like these guys. They look a little bit mean, though.
Anybody know what they are?


Analee said...

the dove is a "mourning dove"

the "we have a lot of these guys" is a female house sparrow.

"i like these guys but they look a little mean" those are brewer's blackbirds

the brown headed black birds are, well, brown headed cow birds (you were close.

i think that was all, right?

Melissa said...

I told myself that the little ones were probably Chickadees, but also knew that I didn't hear them. I actually know what a Chickadee sounds like :-)

Analee said...

chickadees are black and white/gray, but with that same sort of eye-band. so, yea, if you grayscale that bird you're getting close. they don't have any pattern on their belly though (that is more like a white to gray gradient rather than any dappled) but you were on the right track! also, chickadees a little bit smaller and their "cool cool cool trick" (yo gabba gabba) is that they can hang upside down. or sideways. they are cool little birds.

EngineerHousehold6 said...

The "pigeon" one is a Mourning Dove. We have a bunch of them around our house too.