Friday, February 12, 2010

Two -isms

This is a combined girls-ism --
We were at the dinner table last night and I was telling the kids that I had friends coming over to watch Grey's Anatomy.

F: Who's Atomy?
me: what?
F: You said Grace and Atomy

me: No, Grey - like the color. Grey's Anatomy.

G: What is anatomy?

me: Well, uh... anatomy is the study of the body. There was a guy who wrote a book about the human body and his last name was Gray. So it is Gray's Anatomy book. People going to school to be a doctor study it. {no, I didn't go into grEy vs grAy...}

G: I bet Mrs C used to be a doctor before she was a gym teacher... cause she knows a lot about the body.


Still at the dinner table last night... yes, out conversations range this much in a 20 minute meal... doesn't yours?

J: What's the difference between crocodiles and alligators?

So, I go into a quick snout shape speech, using my arms to show v vs u shaped snout. I talk about the fact that when you look at the crocodile, you can see lots of teeth sticking out whereas if you look at the alligator, you only can see the teeth from the top jaw. And here comes G...

G: Oh yeah. like SpongeBob.

I could hardly stop laughing ;-)


Analee said...

oh wow. well, i didnt know the difference between an alligator and a croc, now i do. i'll always think of SB.

BTW, i just had to give kendal the spank warning because he is yelling "sponge bob" because he saw it on the screen and then i opened this one to comment so it covered it up. he is old enough now to learn about inside voice. goodness, he likes to scream.

Emily Davis said...

That reminds me of a Sponge Bob reference we had last month. Gabe had his 3 year checkup and we had to fill out all of those skills evaluation sheets. One of the questions showed a picture of an abstract looking snowman thing, and the question wanted the child to say what it looked like. The common answers were snowman, man, woman, etc. The idea is that it looks like a person of some sort, but it only had one arm and one eye. I guess they are testing thought/perception/association etc. Anyway, Gabe looks at this picture and says, "that's Plankton!". At the time I didn't know what Plankton looked like, but after I Googled it I was laughing hysterically. It looked exactly like Plankton! Of course I put snowman down for the answer. Gary was like, you should put what he said because that shows how well he can relate images. I was thinking, yeah right. They would be like, and how many hours of television does your child watch each day?