Everybody who reads this blog knows that I very rarely use it to vent. Well, today's that day... sorry. Even more unusually, I am going to talk politics. I'm not going to argue with anybody, so if you feel the need to leave a scathing comment, I will probably NOT respond -- don't think of it as a 'win'.
Okay... two things. First, Congratulations to Scott Brown for winning the Massachusetts Senate seat. Now, for my more conservative friends, I've got a shocker for you -- I am a bit liberal. For all of liberal friends, ready for your shocker -- I am a bit conservative. I am about split 50/50 between parties. I guess I am a true Independent, but like to vote in the primaries, so I picked a party (not to be disclosed here because, frankly, it isn't any of your business) :-)
Why am I congratulating Mr Brown? Well, I think it is great when the electoral system works. Obviously the people of Massachusetts needed their voices heard. And heard they were. There are great things that can come from change. I hope that the people aren't disappointed.
I get so frustrated, though, when the media puts everything into "US vs THEM". Why did I wake up to headlines about Mr Brown's election being a slap in the face of our president? Really? Couldn't it have been that he's a good guy whose opinions happen to align themselves with the people of MA? I got it... big Health Care bill... but President Obama did call to congratulation Mr Brown. Why does have to be a slap in the face. Dang it... why can't we all just get along?!? I guess I don't 'get' politics. *I* think it is more about the policies than the party.
Second... and completely different but a rant all the same. If you are my age or older, I am sure you had to do some sort of report on a country in your many years in school. Back then, we didn't have the internet to get our info... so we turned to the good ol' book. The world almanac. Remember that? This book has all relative information on countries from government, language, race to agricultural facts. Awesome book full of great information. Well, I got an email this morning that made me want to send the almanac to everybody I know. And I want to bookmark the United States of America. Guess what guys? The US of A has NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. None.
"If you want English, press 1. If you want another option, hang up and learn English or get out of the US."
Really? Really?!? I am about as proud to be an American as possible. Really. I was proud and willing to put on an Army uniform for five years (and would have happily continued if I hadn't become a mom so early). But wasn't our country founded because of persecution in England. Okay... so it was religious persecution, but what is so different from telling people that they have to speak your language? Again, I just don't get it. Why does it bother people that Spanish is given as an option. If you don't want to use it... don't. Amazing how freedom works.
Okay... off rant.
1 comment:
rant #2 comment:
i'm with ya on the english option rant. the lovely beaufort county (washington, NC) proclaimed english as their official language back when i lived there. what a waste of time and resources. aren't there bigger fish to fry?
and, lets think: the immigrants that come to the us (legal or not), well most of them SPEAK ENGLISH thus making them bilingual (or even more, because some probably speak more than just 2 languages...). doesn't that make us dumb for only speaking one? not even trying to speak two?
and, not saying that soldier's and their families aren't sacrificing, but, comparing that to jesus? um, not even in the same ballgame. apples and oranges. posting said comment isn't very christian at all. it is idolizing a soldier.
i'm sure the real point of the comment was to just declare that you are an american and proud of it. but, that really isn't what the statement says.
as for your rant #1: media = drama. that's all. they just want to make something out of nothing. guess the disaster in haiti is "old news" now and they need something new to report.
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