Tuesday, January 26, 2010


G was reading her story of the night - and there's a part where a rocking horse talks. She broke out some Spanish-ish accent for when the horse was speaking. I stopped her and asked her if that was how horses talked.

She looked at me really seriously and said "Mom. Horses don't talk."

Valid point, G, valid point.

Pet Peeve of the day :-)

When you are reading a series of books... why does the author always feel the need to re-tell the previous stories? I mean, if I'm on book four of the series, I probably already know who the main characters are. Really.

Washing Dishes

So... I'm really trying to 'be green' -- well at least green-er. I started using some eco-friendly dishwashing liquid (for the dishwasher).

Yeah.. it sucks. I'm not always sure that the dishes are clean, so I run the dishwasher again. Then I waste all that water. Not very green.

I looked at the label. No phosphates. Good for the environment, yes. Good for cleaning dishes, eh... not so much. I understand the need to reduce the amount of phosphates being put back into our water supply. Really, I do. I understand the whole algal bloom increase with phosphate increase and everything.

But, I also understand the need to clean my dishes. I just bought some new rubbermaid plastic containers (to cut down on the plastic baggies & individual portion containers I send in the kids' lunches<-- see, I'm trying). They were clean out of the box, but I always want to wash them before using them. So... I put them in the dishwasher. Washed them and they came out FILTHY! Very disappointing.

What to do? What to do? After looking some things up, I see that there are low-phosphate dishwashing detergents, but they are EXTREMELY expensive and not easily found (have to buy in bulk off of the internet). I did see that Method has a phosphate free option that is getting the best reviews of any of the phosphate frees... hmmm.. may have to try that.
So, what do you use?

Sunday, January 24, 2010


1) I took Sam's crib apart -- all by myself -- today AND took it downstairs! His cramped little room isn't quite so cramped :-)

2) Got to talk with Rob today for 30 minutes on the SAT phone!! WooHoo -- it didn't drop call any!

3) Made marshmallows this evening. A complete mess... but really good marshmallows. I could see flavoring the next ones other than vanilla. Could you imagine mint marshmallows in your hot chocolate?!?

4) Cleaned Josh's room today. He officially has no more toys in his room. I told him until he could keep his room cleaned, he doesn't get any in there. He said ok... hmm... makes me really happy about his Christmas presents...

5) Caught up tonight on Grey's Anatomy from last week (that was the night last week that I felt bad and went to bed at 2100!). Tomorrow night... Private Practice!

6) Another weekend of deployment down -- 40 weekends down, only 12 more to go!

PS-- sorry I have a boring/no-picture blog. Blogger's not cooperating

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Picture it... me, four kids... Target music section.

G was looking at all of the CDs as we passed.

G: Mom, I didn't know that Michael Jackson used to be black. How did he turn white?

I tried not to die laughing and then told her we'd talk about it in the car :-)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Night Thanks

So I missed last night... sorry

1- Last night I didn't feel well. One of those hit-you-like-a-bus stomach/head sicks. Yucko. Luckily I was able to get the kids in the bed and me in mine closely following! I was asleep by 9:30pm! And I was able to get G up early to get her last bit of homework done. I slept from 9:30pm until 6:30am!! Holy crickets! I can't remember the last time I slept that long. I am thankful that the kids all had good sleeping nights so I could too!

2- I got to 'talk' with Rob twice today! Yes, I used 'these' -- I didn't get to hear his voice, but I got to chat with him online.

3- Went to Old Navy today and got some much needed new pants. I got a pair of khakis (they're having a No Khaki over $17 sale right now), a pair of darker pair of similarly styled chinos and a brown skirt, both off of the Clearance Rack. Oh... by the way... Old Navy is having an additional 50% off clearance sale! So, I came out of there spending $28 and got all of that! Granted, I didn't find any shirts, but pants are what is really needed right now. Though I didn't know it was THAT bad -- until I had a friend tell me to get new pants because it looked like I had pooped mine! Yikes!! Guess that is what happens when you try to keep wearing your size 10 pants when you really need a 5.

4- Fresh sheets are waiting for me on by bed -- I love fresh sheets. Oh... and even better... they are flannel sheets. Ahh... do you hear it? Do you hear my bed calling me?!?

5- I'm reading Wicked. And I really love it. It has become one of those books I reach for whenever I get to sit down... which isn't really that often. What am I doing on here?!? The house just fell on the Wicked Witch of the East and I have to find out what the Wicked Witch of the West is going to do!! Good night!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Everybody who reads this blog knows that I very rarely use it to vent. Well, today's that day... sorry. Even more unusually, I am going to talk politics. I'm not going to argue with anybody, so if you feel the need to leave a scathing comment, I will probably NOT respond -- don't think of it as a 'win'.

Okay... two things. First, Congratulations to Scott Brown for winning the Massachusetts Senate seat. Now, for my more conservative friends, I've got a shocker for you -- I am a bit liberal. For all of liberal friends, ready for your shocker -- I am a bit conservative. I am about split 50/50 between parties. I guess I am a true Independent, but like to vote in the primaries, so I picked a party (not to be disclosed here because, frankly, it isn't any of your business) :-)
Why am I congratulating Mr Brown? Well, I think it is great when the electoral system works. Obviously the people of Massachusetts needed their voices heard. And heard they were. There are great things that can come from change. I hope that the people aren't disappointed.
I get so frustrated, though, when the media puts everything into "US vs THEM". Why did I wake up to headlines about Mr Brown's election being a slap in the face of our president? Really? Couldn't it have been that he's a good guy whose opinions happen to align themselves with the people of MA? I got it... big Health Care bill... but President Obama did call to congratulation Mr Brown. Why does have to be a slap in the face. Dang it... why can't we all just get along?!? I guess I don't 'get' politics. *I* think it is more about the policies than the party.

Second... and completely different but a rant all the same. If you are my age or older, I am sure you had to do some sort of report on a country in your many years in school. Back then, we didn't have the internet to get our info... so we turned to the good ol' book. The world almanac. Remember that? This book has all relative information on countries from government, language, race to agricultural facts. Awesome book full of great information. Well, I got an email this morning that made me want to send the almanac to everybody I know. And I want to bookmark the United States of America. Guess what guys? The US of A has NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. None.

"If you want English, press 1. If you want another option, hang up and learn English or get out of the US."

Really? Really?!? I am about as proud to be an American as possible. Really. I was proud and willing to put on an Army uniform for five years (and would have happily continued if I hadn't become a mom so early). But wasn't our country founded because of persecution in England. Okay... so it was religious persecution, but what is so different from telling people that they have to speak your language? Again, I just don't get it. Why does it bother people that Spanish is given as an option. If you don't want to use it... don't. Amazing how freedom works.

Okay... off rant.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tonight's Thankfuls

1- Best Buy. Over 40 members of four different local Best Buy stores volunteered today with the 19th Engineer Battalion. They produced over 100 Welcome Home posters for our Soldiers. Yes, they are three months from redeployment of main body, but this really sparked the "they are coming home soon" feeling in me :-)

2- I was smart enough last night to put a towel under the humidifier in my room. It leaked the entire gallon out, but there wasn't too bad of a mess since the towel (a good one at that) caught most of it!

3- Grace had an awesome time at her first friend sleep over. She has stayed overnight with her GA cousins, but has never stayed with someone other than family. I must admit that I was a bit worried... but she seems to have had a blast. I don't think she slept too much, but what 7 year old does at a slumber party?!? She needed and took about a 45 minute nap this afternoon and was still asleep by 9:30pm.
4- Sam has successfully moved into his 'big boy' bed. He has taken a couple of naps, but last night he shook his head 'no' at the crib and went for the twin bed. So, I left the bathroom light between our two rooms on (so he didn't get scared in the dark if he was looking for me) and let him try it. He stayed in the bed until 0500, when I heard him crying. He was definitely disoriented, but I scooped him up, held him tight until he fell back asleep and put him in the crib to finish the night. Tonight, same thing -- I told him to go in his room and get ready for bed and when I went in there, he was in the big bed :-) He looks so little in there!

5- Since my early bird (G) was away this morning, I got to sleep in! My little three are sleepers like me :-) I didn't hear a thing (other than the 5am redirect of Sam) until 0915! I can't believe it. SO nice and SO needed!

Now... a funny story... with pictures.
As I said before, Best Buy volunteers came to Battalion headquarters today. They wanted to meet some of the families that they were supporting. So, quite a few families showed up to thank them for their thoughts and actions. Anyway, the kids were encouraged to participate. So, the crew went to work. The volunteers were so great. Sam was given a crayon and told to color.

He did a great job. See:

The other kids did a great job too, but this story is about Sam... (but here's some pics of the big three too)

(he's signing his art)

so anyway... it was getting to be around Sam's nap time. How could I tell? Well, I told him not to walk on the posters that were completed and on the ground. He had melt down! Dropped down and wallowed on them!

Not only does he have melt down, he rolls on a poster that has loads of fresh, wet glitter glue all over it! Check out this hair:

In case you ever need to know, glitter glue does come out of hair. It took three washes, but it did come out!

Friday, January 15, 2010


1) Got to talk with Rob and know that he is safe... not at his final destination yet, but well on his way.

2) Grey's Anatomy with Heather tonight!

3) volunteered at the big kids' school this morning. I really do love popping the popcorn :-)

4) Sam is in a kissing phase. He wants to kiss... and kiss... and kiss... I won't ever pass up a chance for a kiss from my kids, even when they are super snotty (which is most of us right now... but I'm not thankful for that, so forget I mentioned it).

5) sugar free candy. I don't care how bad my tummy hurts after I eat it, somedays you just need chocolate. Today was one of those days... and I was glad for some sugar free chocolate!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Faith just told me that she is as hot as a butterbean that just got out of the oven.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thankfuls and catch-ups

First, my thankfuls:

1) Today, I put Rob back on a plane to Afghanistan. No, I am not thankful about that... but I am thankful that I got to have 2 wonderful weeks with him. I think back to military spouses of the past. I don't know how they did it! I get to talk to Rob at least once a week... granted the connection sucks and it is only for 10 minutes, but I get to hear his voice AT LEAST once a week, depending on where he is -- sometimes daily. Back in the day (WWII, for example), those ladies kissed their Soldier goodbye and didn't hear or see anything from them for YEARS. Years! I can't imagine.

2) There is just over 3 months left in this deployment. April cannot come soon enough for me!

3) So, tonight was a 'free' night at our house. Emotions were pretty raw, so we had a 'whatever' dinner (which ended up being mainly corndogs and nachos) and a movie -- kids' choice. What did they choose? Twilight! Of all things... Twilight. I was more than okay with that :-) We didn't watch the whole movie before it was bedtime, so looks like another Twilight night in my future

4) Found some tea that I bought about a month ago. When I brought the grocery bags in, Sam got the box and took off. I just found it. In my defense, we've only been here just over a week since then... But it was yummy tonight!

5) Went to Hobby Lobby today after the airport (come on... I was in Louisville anyway, right?) and got a new organizational container for my scrapbooking paper. They are in a magazine basket, which works fine... except that the corners of the pages at the bottom of the basket always wrinkle. Hopefully this will solve the problem... plus I'll have my basket back for magazines!
New Year's Resolutions. I'm putting this down in writing and I hope anybody who reads this will hold me accountable.

*1* and the one I think I will have success with ... Start using my fabric grocery bags. I own about 15 of the dang things. They sit in the back of my van, unused, because I forget to take them into the store with me. When the baggers at the commissary come out to load my groceries, I feel quite the fool when I say "Just put them on those [fabric] bags."

*2* get to the gym at least twice a week. I have gotten pretty good about doing some sort of exercise at home at night, but nothing beats the workout at the gym. Twice a week.

*3* breathe and be patient. Harder done than said...at least for me.

So... what's missing? My usual weight loss resolution. I'm not doing it. I don't care. I am healthy and relatively fit, so why should I care what the scale says. Muscle weighs more anyway, right?