Thursday, March 5, 2009

Confidence in school...

I don't have a whole lot of confidence in our school when I get a note (well, not just me... it went out to everybody) that has a misspelled word in it.

I didn't know that you could sell "nachos, hotdogs, desert and drinks" -- Desert. Really?

I got it, I misspelled Spaghetti on my facebook page yesterday. But I am not a representative of an entire school -- someone who should be proofreading their stuff before sending it out to hundreds of families!! Hmmm... if only I had the patience for homeschooling. But I don't.

I really did think it was spelled speghetti.


Analee said...

i'd comment, but i can't. it'd be like the pot calling the kettle black.

i know what you're saying though. a letter that represents a school should be proofread. teachers should know better.

its like the letters we get at daycare. though i haven't noticed any misspellings, i have noticed poor grammar... and in general just poor sentence structure. she writes like she speaks.

Dena said...

I'm NOT EVEN GOING TO COMMENT! PROOFREAD what you write!...said she who made grape jelly...but now I can't figure out how I spelled it WRONG! greap? grepe? I don't remember!

Anonymous said...

I almost commented on your spaghetti blip but chose not to :)

Organic Meatbag said...

I eat sand from the Desert all the time...mmmm, I might have some Basghepti for dinner!