Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Books Books and more Books

Well, I finished up the Twilight series this past weekend. I loved it. Loved it. Can I say it again? Loved it. Not deep, thought inspiring books, but great anyway. It was quite cheesy in parts. Definitely takes you back to high school with your first love when you really do think that the sun revolves around your honey. If you can get past that, though, it was fun to read.

I read the first three in one week. The fourth, and last, took me five days. Why? Because I didn't want it to end. I had to push away from the book. I couldn't think of a way that it would end that would make me happy.

I highly recommend the books. Quick, easy reads-- again, if you can get past the mindset of a 16 year old girl :-).

Now... go right over to goodreads.com and register. You make a list of books that you have read and can make reviews of them. You can list the books you want to read and read reviews of what others have said about them. But what I would like for you to do is add me as a friend! I'd love to see what you are reading and recommending (or not recommending) as a good read. So, go. Go now. It takes a minute. What are you waiting for?

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