Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yellow Ribbon Picture

Well, this is the official picture. I can't find a link to the local news story about it, but it was on. Grace said she was a movie star and, if they made the paper, a paper star too. :-) If I am not mistaken, the kids are at the top of the loop. MWR only planned for 2000 people and over 2100 showed up (which is why there is a patch of non-yellow). Pretty cool.
be sure to watch the video
On a seperate note... my heart broke tonight. We were sitting on the couch together reading and a truck came into the neighborhood. The truck was loud like ours and Bubba's eyes just lit up and he almost jumped out of his seat saying "Daddy's home. I hear his truck"
I explained that it was another truck and that daddy is still in california -- "is he going to be gone forever?" is what he asked. :-( Sometimes it feels like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww. poor bubba. poor you.

and the attention to loud trucks is definitely a boy thing. kendal does the same thing (even though his daddy doesn't have one). he perks up to loud trucks, big trucks, and motorcycles.

oh, and also lawn mowers, 4 wheelers, and tractor trailers that are doing that loud braking thing...
