Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kids' news

Don't want to jinx myself, but we have officially gone five days without any potty accidents. Well, one accident but he was napping at the time so it doesn't REALLY count, right? And he has gotten into puzzles lately. He is really good at them, especially these use-the-pieces-to-fill-the-shape puzzles.

Tonight was Faith's last soccer game of the season. She did great these last few games and makes me wonder if we should go just one more season to see if she catches on better. She has become quite a little defender, even if not very aggressive offensively. Tonight she positioned herself in front of the goal (there are not 'goalies' at this age) and blocked two goals! I am so proud! It was SO flippin' cold out there! Rob called from 80 degree California and I could barely talk because of a numb face!! With the wind chill, it was only 35 degrees out there! The wind was FIERCE! Came home and warmed up with chicken noodle soup and hot chocolate.

Grace was inducted in the *25 points club* at school last week. I have yet to figure out what that exactly means, but she got a certificate and the group's picture was on the school TV morning show. When I asked her, she said something about weekly puzzlers, but didn't have any details to share. Only three in her class of 23 qualified for the club, so I am thinking that it is good :-) She helped me make biscuits yesterday. She did well, but made them thinner than I usually do. I think she liked pushing on the dough!

Hmmm... news from Sam... he thinks his hand tastes good. Oh... and I brought up the old swing and he loves it. He is the 4th to use it! So, the story about the swing. When i had Grace, my platoon sent me a congratulations card and gift card for Walmart (remember, there are very limited options in St Robert, MO), which was nice and unexpected. With the gift card, I bought the swing! So with all of my kids, I think of SFC Cooper and SSG Harris - both retired now - and how thoughtful they were. Okay -- enough rambling ;-)


I'm to sexy for my chert said...

the pictures are all so good i don't know which to comment on first...

when did you get a kitchen aid?

sam, again, looks like a different kid.

Grace looks like she's having a blast making a mess.

faith looks cold. i was bundled up like that waiting for the bus this morning. 36 and wind. burrrr

Bub is so cute. he's really going to be the heart breaker. I use to hate those puzzles. you need to get him the triangle set with different size triangles and he has to figure out how to make the picture using the pieces. do you know what i'm talking about?

I'm to sexy for my chert said...


took me a minute to find it.


Anonymous said...

The kids look great. It is hard remember the purchase of the swing. It was a long time ago. I think about Cooper and how he looked after you. He was such a good guy. What an NCO should be.... I will never forget when I met you two at the airport and he walked quickly by stating "excuse me Sir I have gas".
Thanks for taking care of our kids. I owe you!

Love You

Dena said...

I remember when you got the swing (no I wasn't with you but I remember using it when she was tiny) and I remember Cooper and Harris. I believe I ate Pizza with them when grace was 6 weeks old.
The pictures are great. I have to get to those children soon before they forget me....Sam doesn't even know how much I love him YET!