Saturday, September 6, 2008


I can't believe that it has been a month since I had Samboni. Here are some new pics and movies...

If you listen long enough (around second 25, you'll here a little talking... a little... and you have to listen pretty intensely)

A sneeze from Samboni

Bubba laying with Samboni at F's soccer game this morning

F cannot get enough of her baby brother... notice him telling her to get out of his space!


Analee said...

what a sweet sneeze.

you know he looks so much like josh... but he has faith's eyes. they are big like hers were when ya'll were here for kate's graduation and she was a baby.

i can't believe how much he has grown already. he is so awake.... and aware. much different than when i was there...

oh i can't wait to have another one!

Dena said...

He really has come awake! And I see more of Faith than Josh right now. There seems to be an absence of Gracie pictures. I need a Gracie picture.

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

I love the way his mouth turns up when he makes his 'gua' sound. it's so cute! The boy does have some BIG eyes. Are they as blue as faiths were or are they dark like G?

I'm to sexy for my chert said...

What happened to faith's face? is that blood/scab or food?

Analee said...


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EngineerHousehold6 said...

Awww...that is so cute (both the sneeze and his talking). I can't wait until this next one comes in Oct.