Monday, September 8, 2008

The best Bubba-ism to date

The boys and I went to Walmart this morning to get some bread (darn that commissary being closed on Mondays). As usual, I found myself in the craft section - just looking. Well, I needed some straight pins (since I have actually started using my sewing machine and the ones I have are .. well... not straight) so we went to the quilting aisle. There were those HUGE packs of batting and foam on the aisle too. Bubba picked up a pack of foam and asked me what it was. Here is what I THOUGHT was being said:

Bubba: Mom, what is this?

Me: It is foam. Please put it back.

Bubba: This is foam?

Me: Yes, foam. Put it back

Bubba: Big foam?

Me: Yes, it is big foam. Put it back.

Bubba (picking the pack up and putting his head on it): Hello? This is Josh.

***He thought I was saying PHONE!! I just about wet my pants!


I'm to sexy for my chert said...

hahaha mom and I are reading this at the same time. she started laughing long before me. That's halarious! get's funnier every time I read it.

EngineerHousehold6 said...

LOL Too cute!