So, I didn't think twice about last week's birthday. The big 3-0. I think it mainly had to do with the fact that Rob is in the field, so I really didn't celebrate it. The kids did give me a card (the present wasn't wrapped so still sits beside Rob's dresser in the bag). I got gifts from family in the mail, but I just considered them fun care packages that just so happened to coincide with September 11th :-p
However... here I am 30 years and five days old. Sitting on the loveseat with Sam minding my own business when Faith comes over and says ...
F: Mom, do the thing that makes the wrinkles come right here (grabs next to her eyes).
me: what?!?
F: You know. The wrinkles that come right here when you smile.
So. It is official. I am old.
I have what I will affectionately call - from here on out - smile lines. I will wear them proudly, since it means that I smile enough that my face wants to stay that way. :-)
I have to laugh because Gabriel told me the other day how "old" I was. Gotta laugh at the out of the blue comments kids make. I like the phrase smile lines I'm gonna start using that. You could also say (putting it in Army terms) they are "battle scars" of having kids.
aww how faith is that. We'll just say smile lines are a family trait. Dad has had them ever since I can remember. I have them and I'm 8 years younger than you.
Just think about all you have accomplished in 30 years. I was hoping to have kids by 30 and really wanted to be done with my RN before I turned and that didn't happen til after. Embrace it- love it- and know that you look young enough that no one will know but you!
Honey, you are not old!
Try 45. That's what I'll be later this year. How did that happen?
Now that's old! :-)
Happy Belated B-Day!
my smile lines (wrinkles) are the only part of my aging skin that i love!
and just a word of advice... moisturizer does help those smile lines not look so deep! lotion lotion lotion! oh, and sunblock! ...the keys to keeping your youth!
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