Monday, May 5, 2008


1- beautiful day today

2- kids had a great time at day care this morning and i had a great time while they were there :-)

3- soccer team photos were tonight and Faith looked like such a cutie!

4- one day down, two more to go -- not a bad TDY

5- went to the library and got 2 more books... easy 'chick' books, but they are fun sometimes

6- Gracie came home with her school pictures today -- when in the world did she get so big?!?
7- Bub's new saying is "is that a deal, mom?" -- for everything! "I get undressed for shower, you fix me drink. That a deal, mom?" "I get shoes and socks on, we go outside and play. That a deal, mom?"

8- House is back on... i think it was new last week, but I missed it.


1- I burned popcorn tonight. Ugh, burned popcorn stinks up the whole house

2- Dirtiest Jobs is on tonight but I won't watch it without Rob... though I will watch both American Idol and Deadliest Catch tomorrow night :-p

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