Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Break out the tissues...

Grace is a graduate! Of kindergarten that is... but do I have to start saying she is in the 1st grade?!? I don't think I can do it.

In green- Ms Thompson (Kindergarten teacher)
In black- Dr Blease (Principal)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Look what I made

This being a "first draft", there are some things that aren't quite right. But it works for me, for now. I am using this one to hold my cards that I've made but not needed...
From the front...

open... the white dots are velcro dots to hold it closed. On the next one, I will make a button wrap to close it.

Open, looking in...

from the back...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

-isms for yesterday

I have some funny kids :-)


As with all military units, we have certain dinners that we have to go to monthly. Last night we had a Hail & Farewell. So as we rushed home from gymnastics (at 1730) to get the girls' clothes changed so we could be at this H&F at 1800, I explained to the kids:

me: We are going to eat Mexican with some people from daddy's work.

Faith: We are going to eat at Daddy's work?

Grace: No, we are going to eat with daddy's unik (pronounced eunuch :-))

Somehow, I don't think R's boss would like being called a eunuch.


Bubba has started pulling all sorts of tricks to get me to come into his room after he has been put to bed -- mainly because he knows that if HE gets up he will be in big trouble. Last night was no different.

Bubba (from his room): MAMAAAAAAA

me (walking towards his room with a cup of water for him): I am coming with your water.

Bubba (with such sadness in his voice): Mama, I broke my shorts.

me: You did what?

Bubba: I broke my shorts. It was an accident.

me (while pulling back his covers to see what he was fidgeting with): How did you break your shorts?

Bubba: See?

*He shows me the side of his shorts which have a "V" shaped cut in the leg like this...

me (trying not to laugh): they are supposed to be like that

Bubba: no, they are not. They are supposed to be like this

*he holds the two pieces together

me (giving him his water): They are fine. We'll look at them in the morning. You did not break them.

Bubba: okay

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Double -- No TRIPLE Jinx!

Went to the doctor today for my regular appointment...

*high blood pressure (probably had nothing to do with the fact that there were no parking spots at the hospital, it was pouring rain, and OB will mark you as a 'no show' if you are more than 5 minutes late so I ran from the van, up the stairs to the third floor.)
*low iron (on the bright side, my platelets were well within normal range this time :-))

ugh... what else?!?

And what do they say? Go home and relax. Put your feet up and rest. Hello?!? Read my flippin' chart! I have three other kids at home!

So I am going to try and rest today while Bubba is napping. TRY being the key word. Faith has gotten kind of used to doing some sort of craft project during that hour and a half! Hmmm... maybe I can get her to watch Underdog once again :-)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I did it... I jinxed myself. I was just saying that I hadn't had a single issue with this pregnancy (other than my normal low platelet count) and then ... the midwife called. My glucose tolerance test (tests for gestational diabetes) came back with not so great results. I am really not too worried. This was a non-fasting test and I ate a poptart for breakfast yesterday (only an hour and a half before I started the test). This is also not my first episode of high 1-hour glucose tests during pregnancy. I had high results with Faith, but okay results when I retook the test as a 3-hour fasting test. Granted she was an enormous baby, but I figured out how to work with it :-)

So anyway. I definitely think I did the jinx myself! Oh well.. more to come. I take the 3 hour version on Monday. Yippee :-(

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Wanted to brag that my kids (and hubby) got me exactly what I wanted for Mother's Day -- a new necklace for my heart charm. Rob gave me the heart pendant for Valentine's Day 2006 - five days before he left for his first deployment. I wore it religiously until the necklace broke (something that terrified me since I am *slightly* superstitious about such things). I had it fixed at a local NC jewelry store, but it broke again soon afterwards again. So, I didn't want it to happen a third time and just kept the pendant in my change purse until now. I wouldn't take it out :-) Anyway, I mentioned it to Rob when I cleaned out all of the change that was making my wallet feel like it weighed a ton. I thought it would be great for mother's day because it would combine the necklace/pendant into a mom/wife gift -- pendant from Rob, necklace from kids.
Anyway, it was awesome to put it back on! Hopefully this necklace will hold up a little better than the last one :-)

Monday, May 5, 2008


1- beautiful day today

2- kids had a great time at day care this morning and i had a great time while they were there :-)

3- soccer team photos were tonight and Faith looked like such a cutie!

4- one day down, two more to go -- not a bad TDY

5- went to the library and got 2 more books... easy 'chick' books, but they are fun sometimes

6- Gracie came home with her school pictures today -- when in the world did she get so big?!?
7- Bub's new saying is "is that a deal, mom?" -- for everything! "I get undressed for shower, you fix me drink. That a deal, mom?" "I get shoes and socks on, we go outside and play. That a deal, mom?"

8- House is back on... i think it was new last week, but I missed it.


1- I burned popcorn tonight. Ugh, burned popcorn stinks up the whole house

2- Dirtiest Jobs is on tonight but I won't watch it without Rob... though I will watch both American Idol and Deadliest Catch tomorrow night :-p

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Derby

So, for the past day and a half (since the running of the derby), I have had two (well, technically, three) sad girls at my house. The sad and sudden passing of Eight Belles on the track took us all by surprise (not that we had ever heard of her -- but we were pulling for her, since she was the only girl).

Rob and I kind of looked at each other -- "what did he say? Euthanized?!?"

Grace was SO upset and that made Faith SO sad. I cried -- hormones, I tell you.

Why did I have to pass on my "tender hearted"-ness to my girls? I can still cry if I think about Bambi's mom for too long or "a-woo-woo" Fox and the Hound. Or even what I had for dinner.

Grace may not look like me, but she can feel like me :-)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Update on last blog...

The reason that G didn't have school?

Derby weekend. I guess in Kentucky that counts as a reason to stay out of school :-)

Friday, May 2, 2008

No School

Why doesn't Grace have school today? The calendar doesn't say anything but "No School"...

Anyway, there was a Daisy Scout field trip today. Great. What am I supposed to do with my other children? All of the other moms have either: #1 older kids who can stay home or participate in the activities, #2 only children or #3 full time babysitting readily available with only a days notice. So... my friend Allison (mom to G's best friend, Abby and another Daisy mom) gratiously offered to take G too. What a relief! G still gets to participate while the little two and I can meet up with them after their field trip.

So, where are they going? The Radcliff Challenger Learning Center. WHAT?!? There is a NASA-type (not sponsored by NASA) Challenger Learning Center in Radcliff, KY?!? I want to go! I read up on who they are, etc --

On January 28, 1986, the world watched in horror as the space shuttle Challenger exploded in mid-air just 73 seconds after lift off. This mission was a history making educational program that hoped to take Christa McAuliffe, a social studies teacher from New Hampshire, into space with the 51-L crew. McAuliffe would be teaching science lessons from space to students here on earth.
Dedicated to the educational spirit of that mission, Challenger Center programs continue the crew's mission of engaging students in science, math and technology and foster in them an interest to pursue careers in those fields. Primarily the Challenger Learning Center of Hardin County programs are targeted toward the middle school students, but due to the effectiveness of the entire program and the increased interest in space, missions are just as exciting for the upper grades and adults.

The Challenger Learning Center of Hardin County is a part of a growing network of centers worldwide that are being established by the Challenger Center for Space Science Education in memory of the crew of Space Shuttle Challenger. Founded by the families and friends of the lost seven shuttle astronauts, this agency continues the Challenger crew's educational mission to teach, to explore and to inspire.

Funny thing... I can't remember hardly anything before the car crash of the summer before. Can't remember the old house, moving, anything. But this, I remember... It is my first 'real' memory. Well, this and when mom & dad said we were going to have a baby :-)

I was in the 2nd grade and we were all watching the take off on TV. Right after the explosion, everything was eerily quiet for a while - on TV, in the school, everywhere. It was like the whole world was holding its breath waiting for something to come out of the smoke. I can almost pinpoint where in the classroom I was sitting. The TV was turned off and Mr Liles's voice came across the PA system saying that he didn't know what happened and he would keep watching and let us know. They didn't say anything else about it that day.

I always thought of this event as the Generation X-er's JFK and MLK,Jr's Assassinations of my mom's generation(Baby Boomers) or the D-Day of my grandparents' day (the Silent Generation). The event that you always will remember where you were when you saw (or heard in the D-Day case) the news...

But we've already seen the Generation Y's (also called the Millenium Generation - which is what I looked up but couldn't find anything about that name) event too... September 11th, 2001. I wonder what the event will be for the Global Generation (I had to look this up -- didn't know what came next). I hope it is something good, something that my kids can smile about when they think about it. Historically speaking, that is extremely optimistic.