I've lost a day.
Lost it.
Don't know where it went, but will never get it back. I guess more than losing it, I've miscounted the days that I did have.
Anyway... thought that the Valentine's Day party for G's class was Friday. So, I didn't stress about not having her cards ready or her little treats ready.
No... Valentine's Day is tomorrow. We were supposed to have her cards to her teacher by today. Oops... not happening.
I tried to force G to write all of her classmates names on a piece of paper so that I could somehow put them where I wanted them when I made the cards. I tried doing it this morning... during the 30 minutes that she is up (when she also has to dress, put shoes on, eat breakfast, brush hair and teeth, etc, etc). I found myself getting frustrated at her because she was writing so slow.
Hello?!? She is 5 years old.
So, I wrote a note to the teacher that it was my fault, but that G would have her cards and treats there in the morning. G shouldn't be punished because my pregnant brain missed a day somewhere.
Why didn't I make her do them yesterday during our snowday?!? Where has my brain gone?
1 comment:
ah, the old pregnancy brain excuse.
haha, no, i know it is real. and i know it lingers on after the pregnancy.
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