stolen from Analee's blog...
I am a proud mama... Let me talk about my kids :-)
1. AGES? 5, 3-1/2, 2
2. Name? Carolina Grace, Georgia Faith, and Joshua Harris
3. Birthday?9-21-02, 4-7-04, 8-24-05
*What happened to #4?!?
5.How long did labor last? G- 6 hours start to finish, F- 3 hours start to finish, J- had to be induced, but still only 4 hours start to finish
6. Who was in the room when baby was born? G- Rob, mom, midwife and nurse; F- Rob, Katelyn, doctor and nurse; J- Rob midwife and nurse
7. How long did you push? G- 30 minutes, F- 20 minutes, J-two minutes (really... Rob walked in and I had him 45 seconds later, after one good push, I had him -- you learn how to make those pushed productive by the time you are having your third!)
8. weight? G- 8lbs, 3 ozs; F- 8lbs, 13 ozs; J- 8lbs, 5 ozs
9. Length? G- 21-1/2; F- 22-1/2; J- 21-1/2
10. Any hair? a little on all, but not much
11. Who does baby look like? G- identical to her daddy; F- looks like the Harris side; J- looks like both of us... finally a combination child!
12. Be much weight did you gain while pregnant? G- 21 lbs; F- 22 lbs (though I looked like a cow... carried her horribly!); J- 32 lbs
13.Due date, On time or early? All over due... G was 6 days late, F was 10 days late and J was finally induced 14 days over
14. Who drove you home from the hospital?Rob
15. How many baby showers did you have? nada... though some of the ladies I worked with (or worked with their husbands) gave me a few things while I was pregnant with G
16. When did baby start sleeping through the night? hmmm... J still doesn't sleep through the night. The girls... G was about 8 months old and F was about 6 months
17. Did you breastfeed?yep... all three
18. Who keeps your baby the most? G went to Jenny's (at home provider); by the time I had F, both girls were in full day daycare (I worked fulltime); but J has been with me pretty much since birth :-)
19. When do you wanna have another? when do I WANT to?!? Hmmm... shouldn't answer that. But will have another around the first of August 2008
20. How did you pick the name? R&I both loved Grace... and I am from NC, so Carolina Grace sounds good (plus Caroline is a family name on my side); once we had a Grace, we needed some Faith, and R is from GA, so Georgia Faith sounds good; J was named for a classmate of ours during our EOBC who died early during the war in Iraq -- and Harris is my maiden name.
21. How did you know when it was time to go to hospital? just knew with the girls... woke up cramping and a shower didn't help. With J, I was 14 days overdue and woke up bleeding (slightly) so went in and they induced.
22. Anyone spend the night with you first night home? just Rob
23.Did you cry the first time you held your baby? yep, with each one. I was scared to death with G, and cried because once I saw her, I knew we would be okay. Cried with F because I was scared to death I couldn't love her as much as I loved G already but knew when I saw her that I already did. Cried with J because I had been scared to death because I had been bleeding and thought something had gone wrong - so I was SO glad that he was healthy and fine.
24. Where was the baby born? G- Darnell Army Community Hospital, Fort Hood, TX; F- General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; J- Ireland Army Community Hospital, Fort Knox, KY
25. Did you video tape the birth? ugh... no. Don't want to see it again. We did take lots of pictures AFTER they were all born, but not during the process. I lived it, and don't want to see it again.
you'll have to update this after august... and, do you love them all the same now?
haha #4. its funny that # 4 was missing and you're on your 4th child. might just be the lack of oxygen in here but that's funny!
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