Sunday, February 17, 2013


Thought I'd forgotten again, didn't you? It's okay. I did. Sometimes I forget to write here because I post on Facebook. But today. Today I am thankful. I am thankful that we found a church -- and have stuck with going. It is so easy to think "we're only going to be here for a year. does it really matter?" It does. I seem to be needing to hear the messages lately. Just makes me know that I am being taken care of by a power so much bigger than myself. Even if I think I'm taking care of things... I am reminded to be still and wait. I am thankful for a daughter who will fix me a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and bring it to me in bed. Just like I like it :-) I am thankful that Rob gave me an iPod touch for Valentine's Day. He says that it is because he was tired of me getting frustrated with my old 3rd generation iPod nano that he sent me (from Iraq) in 2007. I know that it's just because he wants me to be happy. I am thankful that G wants to "chat" with me on the iPod. Even if we are sitting four feet from each other. I always answer whatever she asks/says. I figure that if she wants to talk now, maybe she'll come to me in the future with her not so unimportant topics. That is my prayer, anyway! I am thankful that we are refinishing a church pew. Hopefully it will turn out how it looks in my head - ha! I am thankful for kids who have been tv free all day -- mainly because they are making up a play to perform for us tonight. I am thankful for family memories of stirring giant pots of brunswick stew with an oar as well as barning tobacco. I am thankful for Rob -- who turns on a heating pad and puts it on my side of the bed to warm up the sheets before we get into bed. I am so thankful.