Sunday, February 17, 2013


Thought I'd forgotten again, didn't you? It's okay. I did. Sometimes I forget to write here because I post on Facebook. But today. Today I am thankful. I am thankful that we found a church -- and have stuck with going. It is so easy to think "we're only going to be here for a year. does it really matter?" It does. I seem to be needing to hear the messages lately. Just makes me know that I am being taken care of by a power so much bigger than myself. Even if I think I'm taking care of things... I am reminded to be still and wait. I am thankful for a daughter who will fix me a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and bring it to me in bed. Just like I like it :-) I am thankful that Rob gave me an iPod touch for Valentine's Day. He says that it is because he was tired of me getting frustrated with my old 3rd generation iPod nano that he sent me (from Iraq) in 2007. I know that it's just because he wants me to be happy. I am thankful that G wants to "chat" with me on the iPod. Even if we are sitting four feet from each other. I always answer whatever she asks/says. I figure that if she wants to talk now, maybe she'll come to me in the future with her not so unimportant topics. That is my prayer, anyway! I am thankful that we are refinishing a church pew. Hopefully it will turn out how it looks in my head - ha! I am thankful for kids who have been tv free all day -- mainly because they are making up a play to perform for us tonight. I am thankful for family memories of stirring giant pots of brunswick stew with an oar as well as barning tobacco. I am thankful for Rob -- who turns on a heating pad and puts it on my side of the bed to warm up the sheets before we get into bed. I am so thankful.

Friday, January 25, 2013


Today I am thankful for: 1) great kids who call me mom! What a blessing they all are! They are sweet, loving, and crazy. They drive me insane and can make my eye twitch, but they also help me to realize that I am not yet the woman that I am to become. A woman worthy of their love who has lots more patience than I do today :-) 2) a great husband who lets me stay at home with our kids. He works hard for us and I don't ever want to be unappreciative of him! 3) my steam cleaner. I really was worried about some spill spots on the carpet. I did the canned Resolve stuff and it seemed to make them more obvious. Steam cleaning this week and the spots are gone! Woohoo! 4) we have less than five months left in Alabama! I'm ready to get back to my green family!! 5) the dishwasher and the washing machine. Seriously, could you imagine life without these helpers?!?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Falling behind... but still here :-) For the past few days, I have been thankful for Zomig (migraine med). A cold front stalled over the area and wreaked havoc on my head! I am thankful for: 1) FUMC MDO (First United Methodist Church Mother's Day Out) program. Sam now goes three days a week and is having the best time! This morning he said "Mom, I get to go to school today!" with such excitement. Not like the big three... "Mom do I have to go to school today?!?" 2) morning routines that don't involve me shouting at somebody. Unfortunately, they don't happen too often. 3) random visits from family. Cousin Sandy stopped by today -- to bring G some arrows from dad. I haven't had random visits from family since moving from NC in early '07! 4) photo kiosks. Seriously. I waited 90 seconds for a picture today -- when I remember having to wait a week for a roll to be developed back in the day. Yay for modern technology. 5)eBook/audiobook checkout from the local library. I do find it weird that you can check out an eBook and that it will "expire" in two weeks. How does the computer know that?!? I haven't done the audiobook checkout yet. I'm scared it will mess up iTunes when it tries to "return" the book!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I am so thankful for: *my great husband ... who is currently at a Cub Scout campout with 300 6-10 year olds *the great parks in Montgomery. Some are hard to find, but always nice *movie night *weather that calls for parks and flip flops --- in January! *modern cell phones. I love that I can get instant pictures of Bubba climbing on the USS Alabama, even though they are 3 hours away. *my Pack. I <3 NCSU -- and loved loved loved the win over Duke today!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday's Thankfuls

Today I am thankful for : 1) no afternoon/evening activities (Monday's are both girl scouts and cub scouts... we all go different directions!) 2) cooking a meal where everybody eats with minimal complaining (and keeps everybody full -- thank you, quinoa!) 3) suduko after the kids go to bed 4) school projects that take two weeks -- and I actually remember to start them on time! Yes, I know they aren't *my* projects...but when the project is "carve an apple and let it sit for two weeks" then my part (remembering to get an apple) is essential to getting the project started on time :-) 5) libraries. The public library here leaves a bit to be desired... but the last two times I went, they had what I wanted!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Weekend thankfuls

So... guess who's been under the weather? Yeah... this gal. Not super sick, but I'll just say that one or two days a month, I'm pretty miserable. Ahem... So this weekend I am thankful for 1) Kleenex with lotion 2) football games on Tv (because it means I can lay on the couch) 3) hot showers 4) sweet girls who will make me hot tea and fix it just like I like! 5) sweet boys who make sure I'm not lonely -- and will come snuggle up with me (as long as football is still on - ha!) 6) a sweet husband who took all four kids to Bass Pro so I could take a quiet nap 7) popcorn snacking after the kids are in bed :-) 8) our favorite family tv show came back on tonight -- Once Upon A Time. Have you seen it?!? 9) yoga pants -- ahhhh...

Friday, January 4, 2013

3 Jan thankfuls

A little late... but it was a stressful day Today I am thankful for: 1) a light sleeping Grace who came to tell me at midnight that the boys' room light was on instead of just turning it off herself. That is the only reason I got up and found Sam with a high fever (103.3). 2) so thankful to be a sahm -- so I didn't have to make any arrangements to be home taking care of Sam all day. 3) a house with a playroom -- which quickly turns into the "sick room" 4) a receptionist at the hospital who broke SOP to give us an urgent care referral (normally not given if there is an appointment available within 24 hours...which would have had Sam going on 36 hours of feverby the time he saw a doctor). This ensured he got Tamiflu into his system at the earliest possible time to fight the flu! 5) medical professionals who seem to have to put up with way more "junk" than they should. At the urgent care, I saw a nurse handle a rude patient (ie cursing her out for something outside of her control) with extreme class and grace. Made me try to be overly appreciative of them!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2 Jan Thankfuls

Today, I am thankful for: 1) the automatic coffee maker Santa gave me. Seriously sets my morning out better when I smell the coffee before even getting out of bed! 2) morning hugs from my kids that end up with at least two of them sitting within 2 feet of me :-) 3) catching up on laundry -- I know, I know. My life is full of excitement! 4) one last day of winter break. Lazy movie watching morning turned into an impromptu trip to Bass Pro (to check out bows and handguns -- again... the excitement continues) and ending with Mexican dinner out this evening. Lovely day :-) 5) watching random football games with Rob and the boys. I love when they are surprised when I know some random football fact :-) 6) $3 Justin Briber wrapping paper being marked down to $0.90 and having a ten year old who wants it so bad! And an eight year old who wants to throw it out so bad - ha! We'll see who ends up on the better end of that one!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Hmmmm...2013. Where'd you come from?!? This year is already full of awaiting adventures. We know we will be moving, once again. Always an adventure! We know the kids will be switching schools, once again. We know we will be looking for a new church home, once again. All things to get nervous about -- be things to look forward to as well. I am going to start the new year with a positive attitude. The easiest way for me to keep a positive attitude is to eliminate some of the negative in my life (like a massive Facebook friend overhaul, as a start) and make a purposeful EFFORT to focus on the good. The blessings of everyday life. So that means... trying once again at my daily thankfuls. I'm even setting an alarm this time to do better! 1 Jan 13 - Thankfuls 1) I am thankful for having one kid (F) who at least tried to stay up until midnight last night. Though, I woke her to watch the giant Moonpie drop "babe, look! The moonpie is about to drop" and she barely looked at the screen and said "good for it" then walked to her room. 2) I am thankful for sleeping until 9:30... then having three kids hop in bed with me and watch a movie (G slept another hour)! 3) Black-eyed peas are ready for dinner :-) 4) Harry Potter marathon with the kids!! We are currently on HP 7.1 -- but hope to finish up tonight. Only Bubba and I have seen it :-) 5) I have gotten ten days of Rob not having to shave. I have had ten days of a bearded husband :-) Tomorrow, I'll have my nicely shaven husband back... and I'll be thankful for that... but today, I am thankful for the beard :-)