Thursday, December 15, 2011

December craziness

Does everybody's December turn into a month of craziness?!? School programs, church programs, making gifts, mailing gifts, holiday parties... it seems to go on and on and on! I love Christmas. Can't wait. But I don't always like the lead up... the trying to pick the right present so I don't insult somebody. 'Cause we all know that some folks just WON'T appreciate a homemade gift. {Sigh}.

I think we've lost something. I think we've gotten away from where we should really be right now. Now is the time that families should draw near -- regardless of whether gifts are present. My best childhood memories are the lunches we had together -- as a family. Yes, there were presents. Yes, I was excited. But looking back, I cannot think of ONE gift I got at {extended} family functions that I actually remember. None. What I do remember, though, is crowding into a house that was a bit too small but nobody cared. Younger kids would sit on laps or on the floor. We would sit around, eat, and talk -- sometimes to folks that you hadn't seen since LAST Christmas. I remember a family friend dressing as Santa and surprising us all every Christmas Eve -- surprising being a loose term here... since we all knew he was coming :-) I remember sweating out in Granddaddy's house because he liked the house HOT. I remember waiting your turn for a seat at the table... or the stool by the door because you did NOT eat in the living room (as a kid).

Christmas is about family to me. But the real reason of Christmas is very present in our house right now. Ask my kids why we celebrate. They'll tell you it is because Jesus was born. They know. They KNOW -- and feel it. And I can't imagine a better gift they could give me. Sam's favorite thing in our house is a Little People Nativity. He will, oh-so-gently, pick up baby Jesus and bring him to me. He'll say "Dis is baby GEEzus."

This year, we've cut down on our purchased gifts. The kids will still get way too much. But this year, we're giving less presents in order to have presence. Presence in each other's lives. Baking cookies, making ridiculously hidious ornaments, dancing around the living room to Guns N'Roses {don't ask...} and reading EVERY night as a family. Yep. Less presents on Christmas Day. But I guarantee my kids won't even realize it. They will remember being a FAMILY... even if they have a few less presents. And I am perfectly fine with that!

{I usually don't get very religious on here... but if you agree with some of these ideas, I didn't come up with them! Check out the book Advent Conspiracy -- amazing. Spend less, give more.}

Maybe I'm all emotional this Christmas because we aren't going home. Being a military family is fantastic in so many ways, but it is also hard for many reasons. Deployments suck. Extended training sucks. Being away from your family all the time -- really REALLY stinks. We make our own family. Our "green" family. And I love mine. Couldn't have imagined the past ten years without my green family. But, unlike WAY too many folks, I actually LIKE my real, DNA family. I like to be around them. I love them and miss them. And I can't wait to be closer!

Whoa! This blog went in a WAY different direction than I originally thought... I was just going to say I was busy and hadn't posted... but I guess these things needed to be said :-)

So... sorry I haven't posted, I've been way busy with the December craziness.

Faith was November's Student of the Month in her class. The award ceremony was on... you guessed it... pajama day for her class! Love it :-)



Josh has earned his Bobcat badge with Cub Scouts.


And we got our pinewood derby car to get ready for the derby!

And we've welcomed Archie, our elf, this year. He's a bit crazy, but really fun!




apparently he wanted a specific book... and couldn't find it!




Fun times :-)