Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Thanks Tonight

*Josh got his first real soccer trophy today! He got a mini-trophy last year for Smart Start, but this was his first for really playing. He is SO proud!

*Got to talk with Rob twice today. He's not in his 'normal' location, so he can call a bit easier.

*Spouse Appreciation Night for the 19th Engineer Battalion tonight. Fun with a lot of fun ladies! We Sumo-wrestled, we line-danced, we beat each other up (learning self-defense) and ate. Great :-)

*Had a Derby race at the Night too... we didn't win, but I got the horse finished with a little bit of time to spare! It's a shovel with a dumptruck on top and a seahorse in the bucket!

*The kids sing along with Camp Rock and Miley Cyrus's new CD -- I really love to hear them sing
*The kids watched The Goonies tonight. Though they were scared in parts, they all really liked it!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday's Thanks

* Popcorn day at the kids' school. I really love going and being a worker bee at the school. I like that the teachers all see me AT LEAST once a week -- and the kids wave to me from the hall :-)

* Grey's and Private Practice tonight -- AND Survivor too!!

* Girls had cheerleading pictures tonight before their game. Don't think Faith felt too great, but she made it through the whole game before melting down.

* Got Sam some Lactaid brand milk today. I have been debating getting it for him, but the commissary only had the low fat and skim. Today they had the whole... bingo! He tried it and seemed to like it... let's hope that his tummy likes it through the night!

* Chocolate Chip Pizza :-)

* Today was the kids' last day of school before Fall Break. We get 10 days of nothing... well, we have a few things planned, but on the whole... nothing!

* Another day down towards getting back to NC for a little while. I can't wait! I wish I could take off tomorrow... but Josh has a soccer game Saturday morning and half the team is already not going to be there. I will be very upset if the other team doesn't have enough and it is a forfeit anyway!


*Faith went to her first Daisy Scout meeting yesterday and had a BLAST! Be ready, folks... we're going to be hitting you up to buy some cookies soon!

*I had coffee this morning with a friend with all kids in daycare or school! We both are moms to 4, so I think we were both just so thankful to be without any even if for only an hour :-)

*Finally finished cutting out pumpkins and moons for Josh's Pre-K class. There were SO many... I think I will be dreaming of pumpkins tonight

*Grace's school had 2nd Grade night tonight. Their school doesn't do routing conferences except at midyear (unless there is a problem). So... the teachers decided that it was important for the parents to see what happens in the classroom. So, the kids brought us in and had an agenda that they had to go through with us. So fun! Grace dragged me all over that room :-) They did a play that was super cute.

*A great friend agreed to watch the little three so I could take Grace to her night at school and concentrate on HER

*G's teacher said she's doing very well! She said her (the teacher's) biggest challenge is keeping her occupied. Everything comes so easily that she gets done and then gets bored ... and talkative. I guess there are are a few similarities in us :-)

*Glee tonight :-)

*Grace had her first school project this week. A diorama of a Great White shark's habitat. I really had to struggle to NOT do it for her. Pretty cute, huh? The only things that I did were suspend him and help with the glue. Well... I helped with shaping him, but only a little (he is clay on top of a pool toy and the clay was REALLY hard). I started with the shaping just to show Grace a technique to doing it :-) She used some of my craft supplies to make seaweed (see the green string) and drew her own fish -- this was hard for me...

*we went to Burger King for dinner because of the school thing... it was at an awkward time to eat before and then it would have taken too long to make something (I know, I know... excuses). Anyway, Sam likes ketchup :-) Lots and lots of ketchup. French fries are optional... as long as the ketchup keeps coming!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday's Thanks

So... I'm tired... these will be brief tonight :-)

1) had a meeting this morning that only lasted 30 minutes... I thought it was going to last MUCH longer

2) our dishwasher got fixed today. It no longer falls out when it is open :-)

3) the girls were supposed to have their cheerleading pictures taken this afternoon. It was a VERY windy day and so it was postponed until Thursday! We already have a game on Thursday, so now they don't have to dress twice!

4) snuggled with Josh during naptime today

5) got somebody to watch my little 3 while I take G to her 2nd Grade parents' night. I didn't realize until late last night that the notice said to leave siblings at home... oops.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday's Thanks

1- I didn't have to set an alarm for this morning :-) Got to wake up all on my own... well, when the kids got up... but it is better than the alarm. The good thing is that we still had time to make it to church!

2- Though I am not glad that Sam isn't feeling well, I *am* glad that I realized I was out of Infants' Tylenol BEFORE the commissary closed this afternoon. And while there, I remembered we were out of bread AND peanut butter! What would I have done in the morning?!?

3- Amazing Race started tonight. I really do think Rob and I would ROCK at that show (or kill each other... there are times I am not sure which would happen)

4- Grace found the missing television remote tonight -- seems small but the cable box was set on Sprout. There's only so much Caillou this mama can take!

5- LOVE this song...

6- fall is in the air! The high tomorrow?!? 69 degrees. Nice. Talk of pumpkin patches and apple picking has started :-)

7- I am semi obsessed with my phone -- there are SO many cool freebies... like ringtones. I set a new ringtone for Analee. listen here

8- and the best of the night? Both girls fell asleep on my shoulders tonight while I was reading to them. Sometimes it helps me remember that they are little girls :-) I put them in the bed and had Josh climb into my lap for his turn. So, I read him to sleep too.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Random Thoughts...

**quite picture heavy**

So... I forget to blog. I think it is because Facebook is quicker. I update there and put pictures up and just assume everybody will see things there. It doesn't quite fill the space though--- I still have moments of wanting to write something. By the time I get to the computer, check email and skype (to see if Rob is online), I forget what I wanted to write about!

What to do... what to do?
I am going to try HARD to get back to my nightly thankfuls. I'll start tonight --

1) I felt like poopy last night ... and today I feel better :-) Not back to 100%, but a good 70%!

2) Took the kids to a new park today down in Elizabethtown. A friend told me about it and I tried to find it before, but couldn't find it. Today, I took the chance and went INTO the American Legion Park and VOILA... there it was! In the back of the AL Park :-)

(for those of you who would recognize, that is the SAME JSU shirt that we got for Grace 6-1/2 years ago for her first game -- all four have worn it)
3) Domino's for dinner. Like I said... haven't felt the best and didn't want to cook dinner. Can't beat their 3 for $15. That will feed us again for lunch tomorrow!

4) NCSU rocked the house today! Though, from what I can gather, it was a bit of a nail biter for a little bit :-)

5) Movie night with the kids tonight. And it stormed outside while we were cuddled up watching the movie. Very nice. Glad we had no plans tonight! My kids love Scooby-Doo ... and so do I :-)

6) Josh did well in another soccer game. His team was SO much better than the other team that his coach tried to make them NOT make goals... very confusing for 3-4 year olds. But Josh was #1 in assists today. He would take the ball TO the goal... then stop. Another of his teammates, that hardly ever get their foot on the ball, then kicked it in to score. I think Josh realized today that he is on a team... and others like to score too. And he really liked being a part of the scoring (assisting). I don't have any doubt, though, that he will get back to aggressive when the other team is also aggressive...
Here is Josh setting the ball up for a score:
And here is Natasha making the GOAL!!

7) I upgraded my poor cell phone. I was very hesitant... but I *love* my new one :-) So far, anyway...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Smart @$$ child

Tonight... I was trying to get the kids to help me clean up the living room so we wouldn't really have to deal with it over the long weekend.

Me: Grace, see that pillowcase.

G: Yes ma'am

Me: How about put it on that pillow (as I point to a 'naked' pillow laying on the loveseat)

This is what I find when I come back into the room...

Smart ass...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So, Josh went to the movies with a friend this past Saturday night. He saw the movie Shorts.

I was talking with Faith about it:
Me: What movie did the boys go see??

Faith: Um... {insert thinking face}... Capris.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Project

Everybody knows that Rob loves a Hawaiian shirt. But, I've told him it may be time to start the weed out process. Half of his closet is Hawaiian shirts! I love them too, but you can have too many :-)
Anyway, just before he left, he put three shirts aside that he could live without. So, when I saw THIS tutorial, I knew I had to repurpose his shirts! So, here's my newest creation...
(excuse the toothpaste on the wall that I didn't see until I looked at this picture...)
What is it, you ask...

Cute, huh?
**PS -- I wish I had a picture of Rob in the original shirt. I may keep looking and edit this post, if I can find one.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


disclaimer -- this is a gross one -- you have been warned.

Picture it: Josh just came into our living room ... doing the potty dance.

Me: Josh, do you need to pee?

J: No, I have to poop.

Me: Well, go to the bathroom.

J: Somebody has to turn on the thing.

Me: The light? It is light in there because of the light coming in the window.

J: No, the thing.

Me (getting up to herd him that way...): What thing?

*I turn on the light*

J: No, the other thing.

Me: The fan?

J: Yes. Turn it on so I don't have to smell it.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another movie

The girls watching their hula video -- my favorite part is in the beginning when you can tell that the girl is telling them to bend their knee... then to smile. They do it at the same time :-)

Dancing Sam

I love watching a baby dance :-)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So... I've broken my toe. I'm pretty sure it's broken anyway. It is purple, swollen and lying slightly crooked.

But that's beside the point...

Picture it - me and my kids, walking out of the Child Development Center tonight. They wanted to run, but I reminded them that my foot hurt because of my toe.

Faith: Mama, which toe did you break?

Me: My pinky toe.

Faith: Oh, I couldn't remember if it was the pinky toe or the thumb toe.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Military Wife

Post #2 of the day...

I thought this was TOO true not to post :-)

Each one may look different and each is wonderfully unique,
But this they have in common:

Lots of moving...
Moving far from home...
Moving two cars, three kids and one dog...all riding with HER of course.
Moving sofas to basements because they won't go in THIS house;
Moving curtains that won't fit;
Moving jobs and certifications and professional development hours.
Moving away from friends;
Moving toward new friends;
Moving her most important luggage: her trunk full of memories.

Often waiting...
Waiting for housing.
Waiting for orders.
Waiting for deployments.
Waiting for phone calls.
Waiting for reunions.
Waiting for the new curtains to arrive.
Waiting for him to come home,
For dinner...AGAIN!

They call her 'Military Dependent',
but she knows better:She is fiercely In-Dependent.
She can balance a check book;
Handle the yard work;
Fix a noisy toilet;
Bury the family pet...

She is intimately familiar with drywall anchors and toggle bolts.
She can file the taxes;
Sell a house;
Buy a car;
Or set up a move........
all with ONE Power of Attorney.

She welcomes neighbors that don't welcome her.
She reinvents her career with every PCS;
Locates a house in the desert,
The Arctic,
Or the deep south.
And learns to call them all 'home'.
She MAKES them all home.

Military Wives are somewhat hasty...
They leap into:
Career alternatives,
And friendships.

They don't have 15 years to get to know people.
Their roots are short but flexible.
They plant annuals for themselves and perennials for those who come after them.
Military Wives quickly learn to value each other:
They connect over coffee,
Rely on the spouse network,
Accept offers of friendship and favors.
Record addresses in pencil...

Military Wives have a common bond:
The Military Wife has a husband unlike other husbands;
his commitment is unique.
He doesn't have a 'JOB'
He has a 'MISSION' that he can't just decide to quit...
He's on-call for his country 24/7.
But for her, he's the most unreliable guy in town!

His language is foreign
And so, a Military Wife is a translator for her family and his.
She is the long- distance link to keep them informed;
the glue that holds them together.

A Military Wife has her moments:
She wants to wring his neck;
Dye his uniform pink;
Refuse to move to Siberia;
But she pulls herself together.
Give her a few days,
A travel brochure,
A long hot bath,
A pledge to the flag,
A wedding picture,
And she goes.
She packs.
She moves.
She follows.

What for?
How come?
You may think it is because she has lost her mind.
But actually it is because she has lost her heart .
It was stolen from her by a man,
Who puts duty first,
Who longs to deploy,
Who salutes the flag,
And whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her Military Husband,
She will remain his military wife.
And would have it no other way.

--Author Unknown


Today, the 3ESC came home from a 15 month deployment to Iraq. Out of our neighborhood, five daddies came home. What a great day for their families.

It is very weird to think that these families -- who I have been getting to know for the past 14-1/2 months since we moved in here -- actually have another family member! I have never met any of the daddies -- and that is just kind of strange to think about.

I had all intentions of going to the welcoming home ceremony today, but it was during a time that I had to be home to get the girls off of the bus. SO... the kids taped welcome home banners to their bikes and waited at the entrance to our neighborhood - to welcome our new neighbors home. And to say we are proud of their service and glad they are all home.

I must admit -- I am a bit jealous :-(

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Busy Weekend Thanks

1- Had a fun night at the Water Park on Friday night with a great group of 19th families!

2- Watched Confessions of a Shopaholic at a friend's house after the water park. The kids got to watch Up outside, under the stars too!

3- Got to talk with Rob Saturday morning after too long of not being able to... I am SO over this deployment!
4- took the kids to a birthday party for one of Grace's friends. I am so glad that Grace and Lexi are in the same class this year. They were inseparable in Kindergarten but were apart in 1st grade. Now... back to inseparable :-)

5- Had some friends over today for cupcakes and ice pops. That's what happens when kid #4 turns 1... he loved it, even if it wasn't a party with all the bells and whistles.

Friday, August 7, 2009


I can't believe he's one already...

Slow down... you are growing TOO fast! I'm sure glad you came to be a part of the chaos :-)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday's Thanks

1- Sam seems to be back to himself again. He has been teething (and drooling) for the past couple of weeks. Though the culprit tooth still hasn't surfaced (it is close... I can see it just under the gum), his temperament is back to normal. PLUS... he is back to sleeping better. For about 6 days straight, he was back to waking up every ONE AND A HALF HOURS! He now wakes about twice a night -- which I can handle :-)

2- The kids are LOVING school :-) It sure makes the days go faster for us, too. I am really looking forward to getting back into our good school routine.

3- Finally bit the bullet and went to the doctor. Turns out that it is indeed a capillary bleed that has erupted across my body. What is the cause -- Who knows? The doc ordered a routine CBC and it showed that my platelet count is quite low (not as low as it has been in the past, but low just the same). So... why is this a thankful? Because while looking at the CBC, I saw that my white blood count is fine. The last time my counts were so low, they were accompanied by a low WBC. That is a bad thing... means the bone marrow isn't doing its job. I can handle the low platelets alone :-) (PS... I was going to add a picture here of something related to low platelets, but I had to stop looking -- sometimes you SHOULDN'T google the things that are wrong with you)

4- we bought a new plecostomus fish (we call them all Pico) last night. Hopefully he will earn his keep by cleaning the fish tank!

5- Watched Wipeout tonight with the kids. They just laugh and laugh -- and I just love to hear that!

Monday, August 3, 2009

First Day of School Pics

Josh starting Pre-Kindergarten!

Faith's first day of Kindergarten!

Grace's first day of 2nd Grade!!

That is a crew of cute kids right there!

I have LOTS more pictures and will upload them to my Facebook account :-)

It's a sad day for this mama...

Luckily, Sam is allowing me to be especially affectionate this morning :-)

Thanks, Sam. Mama needed that!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday's Thanks

1- I took the training wheels off of Grace's bike tonight -- finally. She did GREAT! She fell off once, but really did WAY better than I was expecting!

2- Finished baby shower invitations today. Got some of them handed out already.

3- woke up with one killer of a headache -- which I am NOT thankful for. But I am very thankful that it was gone by about 1430 this afternoon so I was able to have an alright night!

4- I am SO thankful I don't have to pay for electricity... Because I took three very long, very hot showers today. (I always feel a bit better in the shower when I have a bad headache -- goes back to the saying that water can heal everything)

5- Sam took the last shower with me this morning. There is something about a baby wanting to hug you that just makes everything a bit better.

6- I'm not trying to dwell on the headache, but it did take up much of my day. I had to get out of bed this morning so I could watch Sam. So, I crawled out of bed and curled up on the couch. Our living room is baby proofed as much as I can make it -- so I don't have to be right on top of Sam all of the time. Anyway, Josh came over and said "I know your head hurts, so here's a blankie" and covered me! Then he asked if he could get in his spot (in the crook of my arm as I lay on my side). He stayed quiet and still -- SO sweet!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Weird Night

Does anybody else have paranoid nights? I only have them when Rob is deployed -- or on a field problem. But last night, at about 1am, I heard a noise. If Raleigh had not been on my chest, I would have said it was the cat. But he was, so I knew it wasn't him. So.. what do I do? Panic. While holding my phone in my hand, I looked around the upstairs. I was NOT brave enough to go downstairs. When I saw nothing, I laid back down, but couldn't get settled. So... what did I do next? Make pallets on the floor, get all four of my children into my room and locked the door. Sam was not a happy camper. He was on the bed with me and kept hitting me. Not happy.

I made it until 5:30 this morning. I was being pushed off of the bed by Sam scooting over and Josh deciding he was going to get onto my bed and sleep SIDEWAYS. I couldn't take anymore. So, I put Sam back in his crib -- much to his displeasure. I get in the bed and hear the same noise again. What was it?!? It was Sam kicking his crib rails. Why did it sound SO menacing just four and a half hours earlier?!?

Needless to say, it was a rough night. We all lounged (not slept, but stayed pretty low key) until 9:45!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Song...

Heard this song on the way home from Walmart tonight. Incredible. AWESOME Song!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday's Thanks

1- I have finally gotten our laundry situation under control. I had over 6 loads to do at one point! How did I let it get that out of control?!? I think the only reason I realized it was that bad is that Josh had started asking to wear pajama pants! oops...

2- A couple of days ago, I went over 200 miles walked since Rob left. collectively, the kids and I have just over 850 miles!

3- Deadliest Catch is on again tonight :-) I missed the end of it on Tuesday, so I get to make up for it tonight

4- I got a cable splitter today at Walmart. Why had it taken me so long to get that $3 thing?!? Our cable modem (and the wireless router attached to it) is now in the living room -- in the same room as the new (desktop) computer. Holy moly. What a difference! I had it in the back room, which made it out of the way, but it was a cement room -- so the angles had to be *just right* to have it work well. Now... no angle issues. It just works! Yippee!!

5- Filled the fish tank back up. It had gotten SO loud! I don't know why I let it get so low (well, only 5 gallons low). I think that is a theme of tonight -- how did I let it get so bad... Once the kids start school again (in 10 days...) I will hopefully get back into a good routine that will keep the "why did I let..." occurrence lower :-p

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday's Thanks

So, I have been SUCH a slacker this week. I'll try to make my thankfuls for tonight good ones :-)

1- I really like the church that we've been visiting. I think that Rob would actually like it too -- if he could get past the fact that it is HUGE.

2- For some reason yesterday I felt that I had to ... no, needed to... make banana bread. I don't really know why since the bananas weren't quite as "soft" as I usually wait to make the bread. I'm not saying it was some sort of divine intervention, but I had a gut feeling that I was going to need it. Well, last night, my neighbor needed to go to the ER -- nothing serious, but she needed to get checked out. So, I became Melissa Plus Eight (that is right ... another four kids in the house). When the neighbor came back, it was around 1:30am. I was able to give her enough banana bread so she wouldn't have to make breakfast this morning. Plus I didn't have to cook/fix/make breakfast for my own kids this morning :-) I really think people should listen to their guts a little more often.

3- I got to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on Friday night. I liked it... though I have a bit of worries about the movies about #7. Seems to me that they left things out that are VERY important in the story line of the last book.

4- I'm still loving Skype :-)

5- The girls had camp this past week. I think it gave Grace the break she needed from a summer of nothing but mama! We have been a bit more tolerant of each other -- though she can still talk a person deaf.

6- watched a new reality show tonight -- like I need another to watch -- called Whale Wars on Animal Planet. Very strange.

7- I asked Josh tonight (while outside) if he needed to go potty. He said no. I told him that if he needed to, then he could do it behind our big bush. He immediately ran over and peed behind the bush. I said to him -- "I thought you didn't have to go". He said -- "well, you didn't tell me I could go behind the bush!" Boys will be boys!!
** just for clarification purposes, I am not one to let my children pee anywhere. Josh, though, isn't quite tall enough to reach and open our front door. Since he waits until the last possible minute to go potty, he usually has an accident before he gets to the toilet because he has to wait for somebody to open the door for him. I just wasn't going to be right there at the door tonight -- that's why I gave him the bush option.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday's Thanks

1- another great day for the girls at camp. Grace went to the water park with her program (which made this mama a bit nervous) and had a great time. She is a bit more confident in her abilities than I am...

2- missed our walk tonight -- which isn't a good thing, but missing it because I have chatty neighbors (as much as I am anyway) is great. Sometimes our street feels like my dorm in college -- only we have kids -- we just kind of drop in and talk to whoever is out :-)

3- made another pillowcase dress. This one out of ACU material with yellow ribbons. Very cute!

4- Deadliest Catch tonight -- though it made me cry

5- Finished a great book yesterday. The Virgin Blue by Tracy Chavelier -- same author who wrote Girl with a Pearl Earring. Really liked it. Very easy, not too long. Quite good. I recommend it to anybody who wants a quick, easy read.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday's Thanks

1- We got up early and were outside before 9am! I thought it was supposed to storm this afternoon and wanted to make sure we got our outside time in :-)

2- Ate lunch with some neighbors

3- naps this afternoon while watching the Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family :-) I love Harry Potter weekends

4- 3.5 mile walk tonight with minimal drama

5- Popcorn and mom's slush after the kids went to bed

6- got to talk with Rob today -- hoping he is back at his home away from home tonight!

7- I think I found the serger that I'm going to buy. Rob said it was okay to go ahead and get it, as long as I'll use it :-) Yay!!

8- got ACU fabric for 50% off yesterday to make some more dresses. They will be SO cute with their little yellow ribbons!! And it should take half the time with the serger :-)))))

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday's Thanks

1- Today is Sam's 11 month birthday -- I can't believe that it has been 11 months!!

2- Josh did day 2 of Bug Camp today and had a blast -- though I don't know how much he is learning about bugs, but he is having fun :-)

3- Deadliest Catch -- I love this show

4- Made a dress for Grace today!

5- Had an FRG Steering Committee meeting tonight -- that means I don't have another one for a whole month! Yippee!! I could SO do without those!

6- Talked with my neighbor outside today for about 2 hours! Got a bit sunburned, but it was nice to yap that long :-) Can you tell I had sunglasses on?!? PS -- I did put sunscreen on this morning, but apparently it had worn off!!
6- Got the bushes in front our yard were removed today. Makes for an ugly yard, but I can see the kids outside now!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday's Thanks

1- We all slept late today -- I'm not thrilled we missed church, but it sure was nice to wake up at 9:30

2- It rained here today. During the downpour, we all hunkered down and watched The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.

3- Our TV remote has been MIA since about four moves ago... not something we worried too much about until we watch a "dark" movie (you know... one that has night scenes, etc). The brightness was WAY too low, but without the remote I couldn't figure out how to change it. Went to Walmart today and got a universal remote in hopes it would help. Nope. Finally figured it out just fiddling with the TV itself. Now, we can actually SEE the fight scenes in Prince Caspian -- and the kids are watching it now, like it is a brand new movie! I can't wait to watch Twilight on it :-) Now to figure out how to use it with the DVD player too...

4- Bubba starts "Bug Camp" in the morning. I am making all of the kids go to bed at a normal time tonight -- means that I will hopefully be in bed before 2am... hopefully. He has to be next door (at CDC) at 0830 -- dressed and breakfasted! That is a bit earlier than our normal summer routine has us all presentable :-)

5- Got some fabric today to try and make pillowcase dresses for the girls. I didn't really know how expensive fabric is... well, the good stuff. Luckily, there was a sale going on today :-)

4th of July Thanks

1- I am thankful to live in the United States of America -- yes, I may have some complaints, but I have the right to voice those complaints without fear of imprisonment or harm.

2- I am thankful that my children will be given the same rights because of the men and women who are willing to be away on holidays defending our rights.

3- I am thankful for Rob :-} and for all of my children.

4- I am thankful for friends who know that sometimes we don't need to be by ourselves on holidays and who will bring side dishes and make the sad days a celebration :-) I am thankful that some people really do understand because they are living the SAME THINGS!

5- I am thankful that I live in a house with a basement where the kids can go play while the adults can have their own conversations!

6- I am thankful that my brisket turned out good even though I didn't get the best cut (I was fooled, dang it, fooled)

7- I am thankful that today is over -- another day down and less than 300 to go!

PS -- I don't have any pictures because I forgot to charge my camera. Hope to have some "borrowed" by tomorrow :-)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Thankful Friday

1- I still {heart} Skype. Got to talk with Rob and mom today -- and more importantly, the kids did too. Sam has started recognizing Rob and will sometimes mutter a "dada" when looking at him -- too softly for Rob to hear, but I hear it and it makes me feel good that he won't think the phone is "dada" like Josh did.

2- Got my cupcakes made and iced for our picnic tomorrow night. I just really hope it doesn't storm!

3- Got Rob's sheets and snacks in the mail before the post office took its half day off. I had forgotten they were closing at noon! Luckily I wanted to get going this morning so didn't put it off until after lunch (which I usually do).

4- Inflatable jumping houses + fireworks = sleepy kids

5- Just about ready for our picnic tomorrow night. I think I've gotten most everything done that I could do ahead of time. I do still have to do some cleaning in the morning, but as long as the rain holds off, it doesn't have to be spotless because we won't be inside. Please, please don't let it storm.

Thursday's Thanks

1- took an hour and a half nap with Bub in my arms and Faith on my legs -- while Grace was snuggled with Dixie and Sam was snug in his crib. Guess we all needed a bit of a nap :-)

2- got Bub's immunization records today for his school registration packet. He is missing one shot, but the clinic agreed to let him get it when he comes in for his 4 year shots. They don't like giving shots more than necessary and one time of upsetting Josh will be enough for all of us!

3- On the same note, Josh's packet is almost finished. Just have to find that pesky birth certificate! I am 90% sure where it is...

4- Finally got the sheet sets for Rob washed and dried. They are in a package ready to be sent.

5- Walked our 3.5 mile loop tonight to help the kids get tired since we did have the big nap :-)

PS. Why does blogger spell check sometimes pick words that aren't spelled wrong? The suggestion given is the exact same word -- it wasn't misspelled!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday's Thanks

1- a WONDERFUL day at the zoo today. A great friend went with us and made the day even better! I don't think the girls were ever out of arms reach of Jessica, except for the bathroom.

2- I made a craft that my girls like -- Faithers likes the bigger :-) It is harder to see Grace's, but it is about half the diameter of Faith's.

3- Though I missed hearing from Rob during the day today, I did get to see his face (via Skype) this morning. I {heart} Skype!

4- Yapped with my neighbors yet again tonight. I really like my neighborhood -- most of the time!

5- Hmm... quite tired tonight. Hard to think of another. I guess I am thankful that it is only 2320 and I am heading to bed!! Goodnight!