Friday, December 26, 2008

Cookies for Santa

NC Trip

SO much happened over the last week that I don't even know where to start. We left for NC last Thursday for a whirlwind, too fast trip. It took just at 13 hours to travel the 11 hour trip (which is pretty typical for us with traveling during the day). We were glad to be there and slept as much as we could -- until the excitement of being at mamaw's and granddaddy's sunk in :-) Then it was game on!

The kids got to play with cousin Kendal, especially since we were all on 'baby watch' for Holly :-) Just like last time we were around, RKT took a while to warm up to us. I don't think he understood why were were so loud. I consider it training :-) It didn't take too long before Faith was smothering him with kisses and he was loving it. By the end of the trip, RKT had found Bubba and *knew* that he was supposed to be playing with him! I think it is a boy thing - Bub used to do the same thing around boys.

*Super boys*

*not a great picture, but there was a lot of laughing and open mouth kissing (on RKT's part)

The girls went to the tea room in Wake Forest while the boys stayed at home doing who-knows-what.

*Faith drinking her tea with her pinkie up

*Sam was the only boy allowed to come with the girls. He was great. We went in, he ate as I ordered and was asleep by the time my tea had cooled and my food came. He woke up *exactly* when we were getting up to leave. Talk about good timing :-)
We missed having Aunt Cake there, but know that she had a great time in California with Mark and family. The big news for Kate is that she is now officially ENGAGED :-) My kids are SUPER glad to be able to really call him Uncle Mark now -- not that they haven't been, but now it is for real!

We had a great time at the annual Ward Christmas party. We didn't make it last year since Rob had just gotten back from Iraq. I wish we had been able to stay to make it to the Harris Christmas party too, but Santa comes to our house -- he doesn't bring presents to NC for us :-) We think we have a plan, though, for next year. That way we can get to both families.

*Tuter thought he was just fine :-)

We did stay just long enough to get to see Holly. The newest Harris/Thornburg was born Monday night. We got all of the kids in the car to go see her and several things happened all at once to prevent us from getting there. First, Josh was asleep before we went two miles. Second, Sam started crying when we put him in the carseat and didn't stop -- knowing that we were going to strap him in for another 13 hour trip the next day kind of broke a mama's heart. Last, the girls were insanely loud -- which meant that they would have gone to sleep before we got to the hospital. Rob generously offered to keep all of the kids at mom's but since he can't feed Sam (genius me forgot my pump and a bottle), we nixed the trip. We packed the car, said our goodbyes and headed to the hospital (you didn't think I'd leave without seeing my new niece?!?). Got to the hospital and were told that Sam couldn't go onto the maternity floor. So, we did shifts. Girls first, then boys :-) What a cutie!! Holly Noelle Thornburg. Hopefully we will see her again soon :-)

*the smallest baby I have ever held! She was 7lbs, 10 oz (which isn't small, but smaller than mine). Grace couldn't believe that she was 1-1/2 lbs smaller than Sam was when he was born. That is when the "aww..."'s and "she's tiny" started :-) Such girls I have!

*the girls loved her!

So we got home SUPER late Tuesday since we traveled again during the day (which means more stops). Got into some horrible sleet/freezing rain weather. Miserable traveling conditions, in other words. But we got home -- Raleigh missed us. All of the fish survived. Overall, the trip was too short but packed with fun.

*Sam, miserable, but out of his car seat for a butt break -- does he look like his daddy, or what?!?

Next -- Christmas in Kentucky.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Samboni's 4 month checkup

I can't believe that Samboni is past the 4 month mark! He went to his 4 month checkup on Monday. I was shocked that he is only 14 lbs, 11 oz but a whopping 26 inches long. That puts him at 34th percentile for weight and 74th percentile for height. WHAT?!? 34th percentile? My eyes immediately watered and I asked if I should start supplementing. Know what the doc said? NOPE. Sam was laying on the table while she was trying to listen to his heart and she started chuckling. "Does he ALWAYS move this much?" she asks. YEP... Always! "Well, no wonder he can't keep any weight on" :-)

So, it is official. I have a wiggle worm for a son. He is a cute wiggle worm :-) And he likes to eat my face...

Oh... and I made that pitiful little hat. We call it his "coolio" hat :-) See the resemblance?

Friday, December 5, 2008


This morning, Josh had the hiccups. He always has the hiccups right before he throws up, so I asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom to throw up.

Bub- No, my stomach is just out of breath.

That was his explanation of the hiccups :-)

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Scene -- Last night the whole family went to Brandenburg to a Hail and Farewell. It was in a sort of old school type diner joint. Pretty neat. Had some retro stuff on the wall. The room that we sat in had records on the wall and ceiling -- old 45s and the big ones too (though I had to look those up because I can't remember what they are called -- 33-1/3s?). Well there was a clock made out of the big one... Faith was sitting on our friend Gina's lap during this interaction --

Faith - Look at that clock made out of a big CD

Gina - It isn't a CD, it is a record.

Gina then tried to explain that you put it on a record player and put the needle down and it would play music.

Faith - OH... I know what you are talking about.
Gina - You do? Good!

Faith - Yeah, I saw one on the Flintstones.

Hmmm... how old am I?!?