I love math. I really have never denied it (well, since about the 10th grade). I make no excuses. I do math in my head when I run (advanced algebra problems to be exact -- where no calculators are required). It is how I get my mind off of unpleasant things (ex. I work exponents in my head as I lay for medical exams that I won't discuss here). I just do math in my head AND that is not a secret. SO... you would think that my husband would have stopped laughing and calling me a geek last night when I made the following statement...
*Scene: We were on the computer looking at vacation homes on the NC coast... I had just found a particular house with a pool in the back -- a miniscule pool, I should add.
*Rob: Oh cool, it has a pool.
*Melissa: Yeah but it is tiny. Look, that chair is 1/8th the length of the pool.
*Rob: WHAT?!? (starts laughing until he is hysterical) 1/8th? That is your comparison? Why not just say 'look how small it is' or 'it doesn't look very big' but 1/8th? Geek.
I thought I was giving a more specific estimation. Doesn't make me a geek in the slightest. (PS The pictured pool is not what I was talking about)